35 enforced disappearances and 9 extra-judicial killings in Balochistan in June – BNM

BALOCHISTAN human rights violation
Baloch victims of Pak Army. (Photo: PTI)

In line with the routine publication of monthly reports, Paank, the Human Rights Department of the Baloch National Movement (BNM) has released the June report on human rights violation against Balochistan by Pakistan.

The report highlights the oppression of Baloch individuals by Pakistan. As per the report, in June alone, Balochistan witnessed 35 cases of enforced disappearances on the hands of occupying Pakistan forces. Although, 12 missing individuals found their way back home, but only after enduring ruthless treatment, physical and mental tortures.

Carrying forward the heinous cycle of fake encounters and extra-judicial killings, Pakistan Army and other paramilitary forces killed as many as nine Baloch individuals in June. Along with that, the bodies of four previously disappeared individuals were found buried without even a proper investigation.

The perpetrated acts of human rights abuses by Pakistan occupying forces have raised serious concerns in Balochistan. The media blackouts and internet shutdowns have led many of these cases to remain unreported. Hence, Paank has been actively monitoring and reporting any act of human right abuse on the Baloch land by the occupying forces.

The Baloch nation had gained its independence from British colonial rule and was keenly maintaining the independence of their nation state at all costs until the Pakistan Army invaded and seized control of Kalat city, the capital of Kalat state on March 27, 1948 by use of brutal force. And since March 27, 1948 Balochistan continues to be under illegal occupation of Pakistan with enforced disappearances, torture and violation of human rights of the Balochs everyday

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