Baloch revolutionary armed groups and the Sindh revolutionaries have joined hands to create a joint front to fight for their nation’s independence against Pakistan. BRAS (Baloch Raji Ajoi Sangar), which is an umbrella organisation of Balochistan’s armed liberation groups, and the Sindh Revolutionary Army (SRA) announced the formation of their tie-up in a media statement released at the wee hours on Sunday.
The Baloch Raji Ajoi Sangar (BRAS) is the umbrella organisation of four different revolutionary groups; Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and the Baloch Republican Guard (BRG). BRAS Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) have been fighting for the independence of Balochistan from Pakistan’s illegal occupation for the last several years. In a meeting of the top Baloch commanders with the Sindh Revolutionary Army (SRA) at some secretive location it was decided that Baloch and Sindh revolutionaries join hands to fight their common enemy Pakistan, said Baloch Khan spokesperson of BRAS.
“In our meeting held at a secret location it was decided to form a joint front and a joint strategy of our resistance for the liberation of occupied Balochistan and occupied Sindh from Pakistani occupation,” said Baloch Khan, spokesperson for the BRAS. Baloch Khan added that BRAS and SRA would also jointly conduct a detailed review of the latest geopolitical and strategic scenario of the region.
The Baloch and Sindh revolutionaries also agreed that both Sindhi and Baloch nations have had common historical, political, cultural and cultural ties for thousands of years. In the present circumstances, common goal of both nations is to achieve independence from their common enemy that is Pakistan and also to get rid of the imperialism of Pakistan’s Punjab province. “Therefore, the unity of both the historical and neighboring nations and the formation of a common resistance front is an important need in today’s situation,” explained Baloch Khan.
It needs to be borne in mind that Sindh and Balochistan are both adversely affected by the expansionist ambitions of Pakistan and China. China wants to fulfill its illegitimate political, economic and military interests across the region by taking full control of Sindh and Balochistan through the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). China and Pakistan also want to rob natural resources from Gwadar and Badin sea ports and they want to occupy the sea permanently, said Baloch Khan.

The entire coast of Sindh and Balochistan is connected not only to the Indian Ocean but also to the most important international naval sea routes of the Strait of Hormuz. China and Pakistan thus want to increase their military and strategic power in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean by using Balochistan’s sea coast.
Baloch and Sindhis are rapidly occupying the sea coast in their countries and are targeting the expansionist ambitions of Pakistan and China. In order to stem the growing expansionist political, economic and military powers of China and Pakistan in this important region, other regional and global powers, including India, must stand with the Sindhi and Baloch subjugated nations because this is in the larger strategic alignment, cooperation and for world peace. Peace and stability in this region can safeguard the common national interests of all.
Baloch people are the inheritors of 8,000-year-old Indus Valley Civilization and the 11,000-year-old Mehrgarh Civilization, and have been the inhabitants of this land for thousands of years, resisting various invaders, occupiers and looters at different times in history. Baloch people have always been able to protect their land, civilization and freedom. “Today, at this point in history, we are fighting another invader, occupier and looter in the form of the unnatural state of Pakistan (Punjab). The time has come for the Sindhis and Baloch to defeat this occupying looter from their respective territories through a joint front,” said Baloch Khan.
It is for these common aims that the Baloch and Sindhi nations came together and the the alliance of Baloch resistance organizations “BRAS” and the Sindhi liberation resistance organization “SRA” announced the formation of a united front against the common enemy (Pakistan).
This alliance will also establish links with other oppressed nations and resistance organizations that are under the grip of Pakistani colonialism under the agreed points, principles and code of conduct of the alliance so that a broad and lasting alliance of oppressed nations can be formed against Pakistan and freedom of all oppressed nations can be ensured.