BLA releases video messages of fidayeens in Karachi attack on China

karachi attack
BLA Fidayeen Fighters (Photo - X)

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has released video messages of its fidayeens involved in recent operations, including the high-profile attack in Karachi which targeted Chinese nationals. The media wing of BLA, Hakkal, shared these videos showcasing members of the Majeed Brigade, the organization’s elite force, undergoing military drills, performing weapon training and preparing for missions across Gwadar, Karachi and other strategic locations.

The video features three fidayeens delivering their final messages in Brahui, Balochi and English, reinforcing their determination to fight against the colonial occupation of Pak-occupied-Balochistan by Pakistan and the exploitation of the region by China. The fighters vowed to continue the resistance until liberation is achieved, urging fellow Baloch to join the struggle.

Shah Fahad’s Call to Arms: “Sacrifice is the Only Path to Freedom”

In his emotional message, Shah Fahad, a member of the Majeed Brigade, addresses the Baloch nation, expressing how love for the homeland and the ongoing atrocities against the Baloch people have brought him to this path. “The struggle for national survival leaves us with no option but to resist through fidayeen attacks,” he said, emphasizing the moral duty of every Baloch to rise against oppression. Fahad warns that Pakistan and China, as occupiers, will not yield unless confronted with force.

He appeals to Baloch youth, urging them to abandon fear and face the enemy with courage: “Death comes to all, whether you live passively or fight. So why not embrace bravery and strike a blow so powerful that no one dares to oppress us again?” Fahad’s words highlight a deep frustration with the silence surrounding the plight of Baloch women, children and families, many of whom have been subjected to enforced disappearances by the Paki establishment.

“We fight not just for our freedom but to preserve our identity, our language, and our culture,” he said, adding that without active resistance, the Baloch may be erased from history. “I will sacrifice myself tomorrow, but my hope is that other young Baloch will take up this rifle and carry the fight forward.”

Sohail Baloch: “75 Years of Slavery Must End”

Fighter Sohail Baloch recounts the suffering inflicted upon the Baloch people by Pakistan over the past 75 years. “We have been forced to make the mountains our home, enduring every hardship for our nation and our land,” he says. Sohail recalls how generations of Baloch fighters, including members of the Majeed Brigade, have given their lives in the hope of liberating their homeland.

Sohail draws a parallel with the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, referencing Pakistan’s attempt to crush Bengali rebels, which backfired and led to the surrender of 90,000 Pakistan troops. “The enemy thinks they can break us, but we have learned from history. Just like the Bengalis, we too will fight until the occupiers are driven out.”

He appeals to the Baloch people to join the Majeed Brigade and resist the exploitation of their land. He warns that if they remain silent, strategic assets like Gwadar, Saindak and Reko Diq will be lost to foreign interests. “This struggle is our only hope for survival and dignity. We must confront those who seek to erase our identity and plunder our resources.”

Farid Baloch Warns China: “Withdraw, or Face Relentless Attacks”

Moreover, Farid Baloch focuses on China’s role in exploiting Pak-occupied-Balochistan’s resources through projects like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). “We have no quarrel with the Chinese people, but their occupied-government’s involvement in our land is unacceptable,” he says, reminding China of its own history of resistance against foreign occupation during World War II.

Farid said that China is supporting Pakistan’s “genocide” in POB by aiding the exploitation of the region’s resources. He warns that if China does not withdraw from POB then BLA will continue to target its projects and personnel with increasing intensity. “We will not back down. Every fidayeen attack is a message that our struggle will persist until the last soldier of the occupying force leaves our land.”

Farid denounces China’s support for what he calls the “unnatural Pakistan state” and the “uncivilized Punjabi establishment” that oppresses the Baloch people. “China must choose—either stop aiding Pakistan’s colonial ambitions or face severe consequences,” he declares, making it clear that the BLA will continue its fight until POB is free.

An Unyielding Struggle for Freedom

The video messages serve as a stark reminder of the Baloch people’s decades-long resistance against Pakistan Army’s control and foreign exploitation. The fighters’ words reflect deep-seated grievances about the loss of Baloch autonomy, enforced disappearances, and resource exploitation. Their determination to fight until the end underscores the growing frustration with the Paki establishment and international actors involved in POB.

The BLA are the warriors fighting to preserve their identity and reclaim their homeland. Their appeals to the youth, the references to historical struggles, and their condemnation of external powers signal that the conflict in POB is far from over.

Balochistan was an independent country until Pakistan Army forcefully occupied it in 1948 and have used the resource rich region to serve their own interests.

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