BLF & BLA launch massive attacks against Pak Army across occupied Balochistan

Baloch Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) in action. (Representative photo/News Intervention))
Baloch Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) in action. (Representative photo/News Intervention)

Baloch Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) launched multi-prong attacks on Pakistan Army at several locations across occupied Balochistan killing several Pakistani soldiers and injuring dozens of others.

Major Gwahram Baloch, the spokesman for Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) claimed responsibility for attacks on the Pakistani Army in Kech, Mastung, Geeshkor, and Jhaoo on Friday. In these attacks eleven Pakistani Army personnel were killed and several others were injured, while the Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) managed to escape safely.

Just a day before, on Thursday, BLA (Baloch Liberation Army) Sarmachaars targeted convoys of Pakistan Army in IED blasts at Turbat and Noshki and then carried out a grenade attack at Mastung in occupied Balochistan. “As a result of these attacks multiple enemy soldiers (Pakistanis) were killed several others were wounded,” said Jeehand Baloch.

At 6 AM on Friday, the BLF Sarmachaars came face to face with the occupying Pakistan Army in Heekan locality of Geeshkor. In the ensuing clash that lasted for about an hour the Baloch Sarmachaars killed eleven Pakistani Army personnel and repulsed the remaining using rockets and automatic heavy weapons. BLF Sarmachaars managed to escape to safety.

Major Gwahram Baloch added that in another attack a Pak Army personnel was shot dead through a sniper rifle at a military post in Dilmurad Dumb area of ​​Jhaoo on Thursday evening. He added that BLF Sarmachaars attacked an army outpost at water supply in Kolwah, Dandar area of ​​Kech district with rockets and heavy weapons. Major Gwahram Baloch said that at 11 PM, Sarmachaars attacked the Mastung military camp with rockets and heavy weapons, inflicting heavy casualties on the Pakistani Army.

BLA spokesperson Jeehand Baloch in his press statement said that BLA Sarmachaars targeted Pakistan Army convoy in the Apsar area of Turbat in an IED attack when they were heading towards the Abdarak camp, as a result if which several enemy soldiers were killed and wounded. After this attack, the Pakistan Army personnel opened indiscriminate firing on the unarmed Baloch population in the locality. During this firefighting the Pakistani soldiers captured a young Baloch named Muhammad Hayat in front of his mother and sister and shot him dead after ruthlessly torturing him. “It has always been the modus operandi of Pakistan Army that after they are defeated by Baloch fighters; they take revenge in the form of butchering innocent Baloch citizens,” said Jeehand Baloch.

Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) are fighting for the independence of Balochistan that has been under illegal occupation of Pakistan since March 27, 1948. Balochistan has historically been an independent nation and even during British colonial rule it had separate a treaty with the British. Balochistan attained independence from British colonial rule on August 11, 1947 but its independence was short lived as it was captured by Pakistan. Baloch revolutionaries have been fighting for their independence ever since Pakistan occupied their motherland.

11 August 1947: Balochistan’s Independence Day & Thereafter

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