Dr Allah Nazar warns China against fresh investments in Balochistan

Dr Allah Nazar Baloch is the revered leader of Balochistan, who is spearheading Balochistan's freedom struggle.
Dr Allah Nazar Baloch is the revered leader of Balochistan, who is spearheading Balochistan's freedom struggle.

English Transcript of Dr Allah Nazar Baloch’s video message
“My Baloch nation and friends of Baloch national struggle, my red salute to all the Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) of my nation. For everyone who struggled for national liberation on any front, I pay them red salute.”

Click on the YouTube link to watch the video message of Dr Allah Nazar Baloch.

“We as a nation initiated a struggle where we have sacrificed our precious lives, but one development that has occurred during these twenty two or twenty three years is that we have continued our struggle unceasingly, and this caravan has kept going.”

“But due to some poor judgment in the initial days we committed some mistakes too. One mistake we made in 2008, where we, one-sidedly, opted for a ceasefire for three months. Whatever the reasons behind that ceasefire were but we had an undying trust in our allies.”

“But now I think, that was an immensely harmful act.”

“And the Baloch national history may not forgive us for that.”

“Yet the continuation of our struggle, sometimes more intense and sometimes less, had received criticism from every corner. But the Baloch nation held its ground with steadfastness, and their support for the Baloch liberation struggle never wavered.”

“Be it a shepherd, farmer, shopkeeper, student, or the Baloch diaspora living abroad all played their role for the future of the Baloch nation and still continue their unremitting struggle.”  

“I, to my nation and the nations associated with us, would like to say that any struggle that lacks continuity and consistency will never bear fruit.”

“Today, the locals and international people who are the enemies of our homeland, or the other countries that are neutral states, but have their interests aligned here; realize the fact that Baloch is a living nation. I will not only show you the bright aspect of this fact but it also has a dark side.”

“The fact is that we, at many occasions, become prey of our egos. It is our ego due to which we say; it is the question of my dignity.”

“Whenever a nation is at stake, then individuals and families are sacrificed. When it comes to the land, then entire nations make sacrifices. In my view, if someone is unable to let go his ego, then perhaps he lacks the understanding and intellect of a revolutionary.”

“A few years ago, I said that our national movement has entered into its second phase which is still going on.”

“But now I am satisfied with one thing that today our struggle, our sacrifices have compelled the world to notice our plight.”

“In this short message I want to say to the Baloch nation and Baloch partisans that all those who have kept this struggle going will have to maintain it with utmost determination.”

“The nations weaker than ours, more backward than ours, with cadres less sophisticated have learned from their experiences and mistakes. Why can’t we learn from our weaknesses and mistakes? This is essential for us.”

“When we enter the third and the final phase of our struggle, only God knows when will it begin, but I can perceive that the day is not too far, because our continued struggle has staggered and troubled the enemy.”

“Today, be it Mazanband, Saiji, Sheraz, Sai-Sadi, or whichever mountains range either it is Kulbar, Pedrak side, or Zammurran area, Balgatar, or our Keelkor, Gichk, Rakhshan, Awaran, and Mashkay. In the coastal areas of Ormara, and from the mountain passes of Lakk, Soorgar to Bolan, the enemy has started our mass killing in the mountains as well as in the cities.”

“Today, the enemy’s atrocities have reached to such a level that when Baloch people visited the shrine at Mir Murd Bakshsh (Haji Ziarat) Bazaar, the enemy forces started heavy and indiscriminate shelling. As a result of this seven to eight people embraced martyrdom and countless women and children suffered critical injuries. The area is still sealed.”

“Similarly, on the second or third day of this carnage in the area of Kolwah, Dandaar which is known as Hapt-Kand, the enemy shelled Baloch houses due to which several people embraced martyrdom. Only three deaths were reported but no one has contact with anyone else from the locality. Today the Baloch nation is in mourning for the death of their innocent countrymen.”

“From Zamuran, Saiji, Mazanband, Sheraz to Gichk and Rakhshan, in both sides of all these areas’ waters are poisoned. It has killed thousands of our livestock and in some places, children have fallen ill after drinking this poisonous water.”

“I once again refer to the incident in Keelkor. Our enemy is so ruthless that it did not even spare the seven year old son of a man named Omar. He was killed and secretly buried so that this does not come into notice as there is a total media blackout. But later the relatives dug the grave and found his body that was the grave of a seven year old child. Now, one can imagine what the world is doing?”

“This is my appeal to the world that Balochistan must be declared as a conflict zone or a war zone.”

“From Shoor Paarod, Bolan to Mazanband up to the boundaries of Western Balochistan, every jungle had been burnt down. In all areas, the army is using phosphorus and shelling and bombarding.”

“This is my appeal to the world that Balochistan must be declared a no-fly zone. Because our struggle is in line with the United Nations. We are waging our national movement within the ambit of the United Nation’s charter.”

“Furthermore, I appeal to all powers of the world, be it the US, France, Britain, other temporary members of (the UN) Security Council, like India and others, and the Secretary-General of the UNO that Balochistan should be declared as a no-fly zone and international observers sent to Balochistan.”

“In case, if you don’t believe us and don’t have access, then put the far-flanged areas aside. My hometown Mehi is only a six hours’ drive from Quetta. The international observers may visit my village Mehi that consisted of nearly eighty to ninety houses. The entire village has been razed to the ground with repeated heavy bombardments which first began in 2012 and continued till 2016. Today there is no trace of a human being left there. No one is there. All of them have been turned into IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons). They should visit to find out the facts in a better way.”

“Secondly, I appeal to China and all other international investors that they should not waste their capital in Balochistan. Because the Baloch are determined, and Baloch will never give up their natural resources.”

“Whether it is copper and Gold or the iron deposits of Dilband, be it oil or whatever natural resources Baloch land has the Baloch nation will not allow anyone to exploit their coastline. They (foreigners) themselves will be responsible for their loss or gain.”

“Balochistan, for hundreds of years, had a traditional and cultural relationship with those that were our neighboring nations.”

“Eastern Balochistan is the epicenter of our Baloch national struggle.”

“We want to send a message to our neighboring nations that they should extend their support to us. Today, huge parts of our population are living in Iran and Afghanistan under horrific conditions.”

“There are millions of IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) who are forced to remain internally displaced. They should be helped and the United Nations’ organizations for refugees (UNHCR) should enlist our people as refugees.”

“And once again I want to call upon China that you, along with your financial interests, want to use the coast of Baloch for military purposes to pose a threat against the neighboring countries as well as the rest of the world through the hot waters of Balochistan. But the Baloch nation will never permit it.”

“Therefore, for China, it is time to stop and back off. When the Baloch nation gets its sovereignty, then you will do far better trade with the Baloch and may invest here.”

“I want to make one thing crystal clear that the guns of Baloch are never silent but always locked and loaded on any front. But basically ours is a political struggle. Our guns are guided by a political ideology.”

“We also have our rights. If the Pakistani diplomats overtly favor Kashmiris that they have the right to acquire arms and military hardware, which is permitted in the Charter of UNO. So if they are entitled, then we expect the same from India, China, Britain, and our Arab friends in the Middle East, the US, and the rest of the civilized world that they support the Baloch nation. That they would support us morally as well as financially.”

“I, once again urge the Baloch nation that they should not stop their struggle for a single moment.”

“We committed a mistake in 2008 for three months, but we have realized our mistake.”

“The Baloch youth must use their minds along with their emotions. Baloch mothers and sisters, I know, you are in mourning but you have to encourage your children more and more.”

“I am positive that after enduring the worst ordeals in the last twenty-three years, the Baloch nation is not infertile, Baloch land is not barren, the Baloch nation is not sterile, it has produced scores of valiant youth.”

“And secondly, I want to congratulate Balochistan and Baloch nation. Those children who were born among us during the war, many of whom either embraced martyrdom or stood shoulder to shoulder with the freedom fighters. It means that we have successfully transitioned our national struggle to our next generation. And our struggle still continues.”

“I am hopeful because we believe in the revolution within a revolution. And we are moving our struggle forward based on freedom and human rights.”

“Finally, I salute the commitment and courage of the Baloch nation. I salute the Baloch martyrs and our comrades.”

“My appeal to the Baloch nation and the Baloch leadership is that we should go for unity because unity is the guarantor of our success.”

“Long live Baloch nation!”

Click on the YouTube link to watch Dr Allah Nazar’s earlier interview with Vivek Sinha, Editor-in-Chief News Intervention.


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