Gwadar residents protest over harassing night raids by Pak Army

pak army in pogb
Representative image (Photo: Web)

The people of Gwadar, Pak-occupied Balochistan, are suffering from frequent nighttime raids by the merciless Pak Army. These raids, happening without warning and any justification, have ignited a raging fire among the residents.

Majid Johar, the Vice-Chairman of the municipality and leader of the Haq Do Tehreek, spoke against these raids and warned of protest if the Pak Army did not inform them prior about their operations before their barbaric raiding.

During a meeting at the Haq Do Tehreek office, Johar and others said these actions by the Army are utterly unacceptable. They also talked about the struggles the community is facing, like the denial of necessities like electricity, clean water and other essential services.

The residents of Gwadar are besieged by the terror of these midnight intrusions by the remorseless Pak Army violating their privacy by raiding their homes without permission. They expressed that these operations amount to psychological torture, casting a perpetual shadow of fear of the Pak Army showing up unexpectedly.

Additionally, residents expressed the unbearable harassment they face and the restriction on movement they encounter from the personnel during what they call “hunting hours”.

One of the residents of Gwadar, Mulahind ward recounted his experience on Tuesday night, when a large contingent of the Pak Army raided his home, confiscated his ID card and subjected him to interrogation without any lawful authority. This reign of terror is a recurring nightmare inflicted upon countless others in the area.

The municipal councillors have warned of protest if these operations are continued. As of now, there is no justification provided by the establishment for these complaints.

These raids are conducted daily, and they blatantly violate the human rights of Gwadar residents. During the occurrence of these raids, People are being displaced and tortured, women and children are terrified, and fishermen are locked in their houses when they need to go fishing.

It is important to note that since 1948, when Pakistan forcibly occupied Balochistan, the region has been subjected to the exploitation of its resources and systematic oppression of its people by the Pak Army.

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