Indigo leaves behind check-in baggage of entire flight


Several times in the past Indigo has attracted negative publicity and people’s ire due to unprofessional behavior of its ground staff and unwarranted delays in flight operations. Adding one more incident to that list, the airline has now set a new low in passenger services by leaving behind the luggage of an entire aircraft. Recently, IndiGo, which was flying the passengers to Istanbul, left behind the luggage of the entire aircraft back in Delhi. Twitterati attacked indigo mercilessly for this misadventure and the hashtag #ShameOnIndiGo was trending on Twitter.

Several Twitter users shared that they received a piece of paper when they were waiting for their luggage at the belt.

Twitter user Chinmay Dabke, who was on this Delhi-Istanbul flight, took to his account to share the details of the incident.

About the whole incident an IndiGo spokesperson said, “We upgraded our aircraft and adjusted the payload as long as the prevailing wind conditions remain. So, all the left behind baggage will be carried today. We regret the inconvenience caused to our passengers.”

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