International Introductory Review of High-I.Q. Publications


*Updated June 15, 2022.*

*If not included/missed, and if wanting inclusion, please send an email to Scott.Douglas.Jacobsen@Gmail.Com, then I can include the publication in the listing. I want everyone included in the international community here.*

High-I.Q. societies continue to give a modicum of fascination to me. Whenever I think the trail ends, other people come forward and present new information and material. In general, where one finds individuals with numerical, spatial, verbal, or reasoning talent, or all of the aforementioned, one tends to find individuals in professions demanding intellectual facility. When others want, typically, a digital community, a safe space for communication, correspondence, and the like; the high-I.Q. communities give such place for quiet felicity in interaction with the like-talented.

Publications, in this sense, provide a platform for the members to show talents, interests, thoughts, and productions. A short-form list of found publications will be listed at the end of the article. This resource will be built on the listing of non-defunct societies listed in” World Intelligence Network Addendum I – Non-Defunct Societies Membership” with some extensions. The purpose is to catalogue some high-I.Q. publications for individuals curious about the high-I.Q. communities and as a piece of personal curiosity. The prior non-defunct societies, as follows:

1. The Cogito Society

2. The International High IQ Society of Nathan Haselbauer

3. The Deep Brain Society of Anna Maria Santoro and Vincenzo D’Onofrio

4. Mensa Society of Lancelot Ware and Roland Berrill

5. The High Potentials Society of Max Tiefenbacher

6. Intertel of Ralph Haines

7. The Top One Percent Society (TOPS) of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

8. The Colloquy Society of Julia Cachia

9. The CIVIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

10. The Glia Society of Paul Cooijmans

11. International Society for Philosophical Enquiries/International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE) of Christopher Harding

12. The Triple Nine Society (TNS) of Richard Canty, Dr. Ronald Hoeflin, Ronald Penner, Edgar Van Vleck, and Kevin Langdon

13. The AtlantIQ Society of Beatrice Rescazzi and Moreno Casalegno

14. The EpIQ Society of Chris Chsioufis

15. The IQuadrivium Society of Karyn S. Huntting

16. The Society for Intellectually Gifted Individuals with Disabilities of Nathaniel David Durham/Nate Durham with assistant Lyla Durham

17. The Encefálica Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa

18. The Greatest Minds Society of Roberto A. Rodriguez Cruz

19. The Mysterium Society of Greg A. Grove

20. The Sigma II Society of Hindemburg Melão

21. The Mind Society of Hernan R. Chang

22. The Infinity International Society (IIS) of Jeffrey Osgood

23. The Sigma III Society of Hindemburg Melão

24. The Milenija Society of Dr. Ivan Ivec and Mislav Predavec

3.13 Sigma to 4.8 Sigma

25. ISI-Society of Dr. Jonathan Wai

26. Epida Society of Fernando Barbosa Neto

27. SPIQR Society of Marco Ripà

28. Vertex Society of Stevan M. Damjanovic

29. Epimetheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

30. HELLIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

31. Prometheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

32. Sigma IV Society of Hindemburg Melão

33. Tetra Society of Mislav Predavec

34. UltraNet Society/Ultranet of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan

35. GenerIQ Society of Mislav Predavec

36. Mega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

37. Omega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

38. Pi Society of Dr. Nikos Lygeros/Dr. Nik Lygeros

5. Sigma to 7. Sigma

39. Mega International Society/Mega International of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan

40. OLYMPIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

41. PolymathIQ Society of Ron Altmann

42. Sigma V Society of Hindemburg Melão

43. Ultima Society of Dr. Ivan Ivec

44. GIGA Society of Paul Cooijmans

45. Sigma VI Society of Hindemburg Melão

46. Grail Society of Paul Cooijmans

47. Tera Society of R. Young

The overlay following this listing will incorporate descriptive commentary for some societies based on the listing followed by newer resources outside of the previous listing:

1. The Cogito Society

No found publication for The Cogito Society.

2. The International High IQ Society of Nathan Haselbauer

Duly note, Nathan Haselbauer is deceased. He committed suicide. The International High IQ Society appears functional with some provisions for members regarding correspondence and discussion, while no formally listed publication, as follows:

When you join IHIQS, you get a membership certificate and you can become a part of our online community to participate in forum discussions, learn from top experts, connect with intelligent people and advance yourself.

We have a private online forum at our website and are available on Facebook as well as LinkedIn and Instagram. We currently have no offline events, but other members may well live close by. As long as you “kick the ball and not the player”, you will find yourself in an open-minded environment where you are allowed to kick the ball quite hard.

You do not have access to a representative publication. You have access to a private online forum, Meta/Facebook discussions, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

3. The Deep Brain Society of Anna Maria Santoro and Vincenzo D’Onofrio

A publication, Profondamente (DeepBrain Society Magazine/DeepBrain Magazine), is listed with the Executive Editor, Anna Maria Santoro. Contributors are not remunerated for submissions. This may be a pervasive fact with high-I.Q. society publications. Two issues have been published: 2010 and June, 2012.

4. Mensa Society of Lancelot Ware and Roland Berrill

Mensa World Journal is the flagship international publication of ‘Mensa Society’ or Mensa International. It replaced the International Journal in 2013.

5. The High Potentials Society of Max Tiefenbacher

There is a listed point or not to a Society Magazine. However, finding a hyperlink to such a point of reference is not present, perhaps, this remains only accessible to members. I hold no formal memberships in any high-I.Q. society, as I take this as an independent journalistic endeavour. Thus, a publication or magazine may exist, though the access may be restricted to members and not the general public.

6. Intertel of Ralph Haines

Intertel has a flagship publication, Integra. Its members are encouraged to contribute to it. They state, “Because members of Intertel are so geographically widespread, communication is very important. All members are encouraged to contribute to Integra, the Journal of Intertel, published ten times a year. In addition, regional newsletters are published periodically, and many members correspond via e-mail or a growing variety of online forums. There is an annual gathering (this year in Prague), and the various regions schedule social activities.”

7. The Top One Percent Society (TOPS) of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

Termite is the official publication of TOPS. It appears as if limited to members.

8. The Colloquy Society of Julia Cachia

A flagship publication does not appear available. However, a series of articles are open for reading to an interested community.

9. The CIVIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

No individual publication appears to exist for The CIVIQ Society. However, its umbrella World Intelligence Network’s flagship publication is Phenomenon.

10. The Glia Society of Paul Cooijmans

Thoth is its flagship publication. The Glia Society website states, “The journal “Thoth” is available only to members and appears in digital format. It guarantees absolute freedom of speech and has no editorial changes or censorship of any kind. Thoth is filled with members’ submissions, and occasionally contains material by others.

Thoth has a variable number of pages of A5 size. Images are frequently included.

Thoth is named after the Egyptian moon god, who weighed the hearts of the deceased to determine if they would be admitted to the hereafter or, if the examination was failed, torn apart by a monster. Thoth is also the name used by the future Grail Society member.”

11. International Society for Philosophical Enquiries/International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE) of Christopher Harding

Telicom is its flagship publication. It has a robust presentation online as a provision for its membership. This appears to be – out of the 11 examined so far – one of the more publicly well-presented publications.

12. The Triple Nine Society (TNS) of Richard Canty, Dr. Ronald Hoeflin, Ronald Penner, Edgar Van Vleck, and Kevin Langdon

Vidya is the official publication of the Triple Nine Society. It states, “Vidya content is exclusively provided by members. There are personal stories and experiences, semi-scientific articles, puzzles, pictures, poems, news about the society – and everything in-between. Below are some articles that will hopefully give you an impression of the diversity you can expect in TNS. And they are good reads, too.”

13. The AtlantIQ Society of Beatrice Rescazzi and Moreno Casalegno

Leonardo is the official publication of the AtlantIQ Society. It has 48 issues to date. It amounts to a multi-society publication hosted on the new AtlantIQ Society website. They state, “These are the issues of the new Leonardo – the magazine of the AtlantIQ Society, STHIQ Society and the Creative Genius Society – and the previous AtlantIQ Society Members’ Magazine issues. They are freely readable and downloadable by everyone.
This is a multimedia magazine: you can click on photos and links to know more about the article you are reading. 
You can easily read the magazine after clicking the image links and going full screen (click the square button in the lower right side of the preview window).”

14. The EpIQ Society of Chris Chsioufis

A magazine connected to EpIQ Society via the IQ Nexus is IQ Nexus Journal.

15. The IQuadrivium Society of Karyn S. Huntting

No discernible publication exists for The Iquadrivium Society.

16. The Society for Intellectually Gifted Individuals with Disabilities of Nathaniel David Durham/Nate Durham with assistant Lyla Durham

No publication appears to exist for The Society for Intellectually Gifted Individuals with Disabilities.

17. The Encefálica Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa

No discoverable publications for The Encefálica Society.

18. The Greatest Minds Society of Roberto A. Rodriguez Cruz

No found publication for The Greatest Minds Society.

19. The Mysterium Society of Greg A. Grove

No apparent publication for The Mysterium Society.

20. The Sigma II Society of Hindemburg Melão

No apparent flagship publication for this society, though under the rubric of the Sigma Society. Sigma Society website has a database of articles relevant to its international community of about 200+ members.

21. The Mind Society of Hernan R. Chang

No formal publication exists for Mind Society. However, the society exists a means by which members can communicate with other members without affiliation with other societies.

22. The Infinity International Society (IIS) of Jeffrey Osgood

Its publication exists under the rubric of IQ Nexus, where IQ Nexus Journal amounts to the journal for The Infinity International Society and others.

23. The Sigma III Society of Hindemburg Melão

No apparent flagship publication for this society, though under the rubric of the Sigma Society. Sigma Society website has a database of articles relevant to its international community of about 200+ members.

24. The Milenija Society of Dr. Ivan Ivec and Mislav Predavec

No apparent publication at this time. Nonetheless, Ivan Ivec retired from test construction. Mislav Predavec may be different.

3.13 Sigma to 4.8 Sigma

25. ISI-Society of Dr. Jonathan Wai

The Isi-s Discussion Group, WIN Board: WIN, and IQ Nexus forum, exist for communication of members. No formal publication found at this time for ISI-Society.

26. Epida Society of Fernando Barbosa Neto

No publication at this time.

27. SPIQR Society of Marco Ripà

No flagship publication at this time. In fact, membership considerations are suspended at the moment.

28. Vertex Society of Stevan M. Damjanovic

Zero publications for Vertex Society.

29. Epimetheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

A section of the website states “Termite.” This may be a reference to the aforementioned publication Termite for TOPS.

30. HELLIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

No individual publication appears to exist for The HELLIQ Society. However, its umbrella World Intelligence Network’s flagship publication is Phenomenon.

31. Prometheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

An interesting and distinct setup for The Prometheus Society. They have a primary forum discussion group entitled The Fire List. It is open to Prometheus Society members and subscribers. Its flagship publication is Gift of Fire published 0 to 10 times per year available to members and subscribers.

32. Sigma IV Society of Hindemburg Melão

No apparent flagship publication for this society, though under the rubric of the Sigma Society. Sigma Society website has a database of articles relevant to its international community of about 200+ members.

33. Tetra Society of Mislav Predavec

No discernible publication for Tetra Society.

34. UltraNet Society/Ultranet of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan

An online Meta/Facebook group discussion exists with administrators and moderators as Christopher Michael Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Langan (brother of Mark Langan, Jeffrey Langan, and Colter Langan, and son of the late Mary Chappelle Langan-Hansen), Dr. Gina Langan, Torbjørn Brenna, Freidank Eike, Erin J. Morgart, and Laney Ellis. No formal publication appears to exist.

35. GenerIQ Society of Mislav Predavec

No publication discernible for GenerIQ Society.

36. Mega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society or Noesis is the flagship publication of the Mega Society.

37. Omega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

A section of the website states “Termite.” This may be a reference to the aforementioned publication Termite for TOPS and for the Epimetheus Society.

38. Pi Society of Dr. Nikos Lygeros/Dr. Nik Lygeros

Its journal appears to be Perfection.

5. Sigma to 7. Sigma

39. Mega International Society/Mega International of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan

Noesis-E and Ubiquity were publications of the larger non-profit organization The Mega Foundation of the same individuals.

40. OLYMPIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

No individual publication appears to exist for The OLYMPIQ Society. However, its umbrella World Intelligence Network’s flagship publication is Phenomenon.

41. PolymathIQ Society of Ron Altmann

No discernible publication

42. Sigma V Society of Hindemburg Melão

No apparent flagship publication for this society, though under the rubric of the Sigma Society. Sigma Society website has a database of articles relevant to its international community of about 200+ members.

43. Ultima Society of Dr. Ivan Ivec

No found publication.

44. GIGA Society of Paul Cooijmans

A members-only publication named Nemesis is active.

45. Sigma VI Society of Hindemburg Melão

No apparent flagship publication for this society, though under the rubric of the Sigma Society. Sigma Society website has a database of articles relevant to its international community of about 200+ members.

46. Grail Society of Paul Cooijmans

G is the publication, unpublished to date.

47. Tera Society of R. Young

Minds that Matter is the publication with one issue in October, 2014 by Editor Moira Greyland.

The shorthand of this listing of 47 with publications can be cut down. The total of 47, in reality, has about 21 discernible publications. While, within a little bit of analysis, these have plenty of replication. So, even further, the 21 would, in fact, be fewer. To start, those 21 would be the following:

The Deep Brain Society of Anna Maria Santoro and Vincenzo D’Onofrio has the publication Profondamente (DeepBrain Society Magazine/DeepBrain Magazine).

Mensa Society of Lancelot Ware and Roland Berrill has the publication Mensa World Journal. 

Intertel of Ralph Haines has the publication Integra.

The Top One Percent Society (TOPS) of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin has the publication Termite.

The Glia Society of Paul Cooijmans has the publication Thoth.

International Society for Philosophical Enquiries/International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE) of Christopher Harding has the publication Telicom.

The Triple Nine Society (TNS) of Richard Canty, Dr. Ronald Hoeflin, Ronald Penner, Edgar Van Vleck, and Kevin Langdon has the publication Vidya.

The AtlantIQ Society of Beatrice Rescazzi and Moreno Casalegno has the publication Leonardo.

The EpIQ Society of Chris Chsioufis has the publication IQ Nexus Journal.

The Infinity International Society (IIS) of Jeffrey Osgood has the publication IQ Nexus Journal.

Epimetheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin may have the publication Termite.

HELLIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis has the publication Phenomenon.

Prometheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin has the publication Gift of Fire.

Mega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin has the publication Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society.

Omega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin may have the publication Termite.

Pi Society of Dr. Nikos Lygeros/Dr. Nik Lygeros has the publication Perfection.

Mega International Society/Mega International of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan have, or had, the publications Noesis-E and Ubiquity.

OLYMPIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis has the publication Phenomenon.

GIGA Society of Paul Cooijmans has the publication Nemesis.

Grail Society of Paul Cooijmans has the publication G.

Tera Society of R. Young has the publication Minds that Matter.

Yet, when looking at these 21 without replication and with more recent activity, we find 10:

  1. Mensa World Journal. 
  2. Thoth.
  3. Telicom.
  4. Vidya.
  5. Leonardo.
  6. Phenomenon.
  7. Gift of Fire.
  8. Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society.
  9. Perfection.
  10. Nemesis.

Even eliminating ones only meant for once new membership arrives or has clear presentation to the public or to the membership, we have fewer in number with 8:

  1. Mensa World Journal. 
  2. Thoth.
  3. Telicom.
  4. Vidya.
  5. Leonardo.
  6. Phenomenon.
  7. Gift of Fire.
  8. Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society.

Others with an honourable mention with three issues intermittently published in the last couple of years, or so, are Deus VULT of CatholIQ Society with Domogoj Domo Kutle/Domagoj Kutle BScEE, Dalibor Marincic MEng, Patrick O’Shea, PhD, Mislav Predavec, Stephan Wagner Damianowitsch, Iakovos Koukas PhD, Thomas Hally, Phillip Power, Kirk Raymond Butt, PhD, DTh, Eick Sternhagen, PhD, Sandra Schlick, PhD, Ivan Ivec, PhD, Dalibor Marincic, MEng, and Patrick O`Shea, PhD., and USIA Research Journal of United Sigma Intelligence Association (formerly United Sigma Korea) with Bryan Kim/YoungHoon Bryan Kim/YoungHoon Kim and Ian Bott, and GENIUS: Proceedings and Publications of the GENIUS High IQ Network/GENIUS: Journal of the GENIUS High IQ Network of The GENIUS High IQ Network with Iakovos Koukas and Daniel Pohl.

Deus VULT listed as a semi-newsletter in the first issue and as a journal in the latest issue. USIA Research Journal listed as published irregularly. GENIUS: Proceedings and Publications of the GENIUS High IQ Network/GENIUS: Journal of the GENIUS High IQ Network with four issues: “Gnorizon,” “Logicon,” “Thymicon,” and “Noemon,” standing for science/knowledge, logic/philosophy, art/literature, and intelligence/psychology, respectively. If incorporating these with the list of 8, we have 11 active high-I.Q. publications with variations in provisions, rarities, frequency, length, style, content, and tone:

1. Mensa World Journal.

2. Thoth.

3. Telicom.

4. Vidya.

5. Leonardo.

6. Phenomenon.

7. Gift of Fire.

8. Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society.

9. Deus VULT.

10. USIA Research Journal.

11. GENIUS: Proceedings and Publications of the GENIUS High IQ Network/GENIUS: Journal of the GENIUS High IQ Network.

Not everyone, clearly, but it’s a start – there you go; well done to all, and to your communities, as such, murmurs in the void with some eyes watching and comprehending.

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

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