POJK Joint Public Action Committee gets aggressive against Pakistani occupation


The Jammu and Kashmir Joint Public Action Committee condemned the occupying Pakistani establishment for brutally crushing the ongoing peaceful movement in POJK, which has been underway for several months, and admonished the occupying government for its use of violence, arrests, crackdowns on peaceful sit-ins, raids on homes, and the blatant disrespect for the sanctity of private dwellings. The Jammu and Kashmir Joint Public Action Committee issued a communique from the meeting held at some undisclosed location in Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir (POJK). The meeting lasted ten hours and was attended by core committee members from all the ten districts of POJK.

In light of the ongoing movement in the state and its Charter of Demands, which includes free electricity, resumption of subsidies on wheat flour and other consumables, the elimination of privileges for the ruling Pakistani elite and other demands, the following declaration has been issued by J&K JPAC.

Declaration of the Joint Public Action Committee

  1. In order to augment the ongoing movement in POJK, the protest rallies involving women and children will be organized throughout POJK on 10th October.
  2. The JPAC has further announced protest demonstrations throughout the POJK, on 28th October.
  3. Similarly, on 17th October, under the auspices of all student organizations, peaceful protest rallies involving male and female students will be carried out throughout POJK.
  4. For the attainment of the demands and making their voice heard at the international platforms, JPAC has declared that the Charter of Demands will be formally sent to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amnesty International, OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), and other human rights organizations. In addition, it will be dispatched to the President of Pakistan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Pakistan Army Chief, the Chief Justice of Pakistan, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, the heads of all political parties in Pakistan, the Vice Chairman of the Bar Council of Pakistan, President of POJK, Prime Minister of POJK, members of the POJK Assembly, Chief Minister of POGB, members of its assembly, and all political parties of POJK.
  1. The declaration further reads that the ongoing peaceful public movement, protests sit-ins, which had been going on across POJK, will be resumed with renewed vigour.
  2. Condemning the deployment of FCs (Frontier Corps), the declaration stated that in the peaceful region of POJK, the deployment of Pakistani forces is being done to suppress the peaceful movement of the oppressed and subjugated Kashmiris. And any attempt to do so will be perceived as an external attack on Kashmiris. A call has also been made to the public to strongly resist such actions.

In response to the government’s disconnection of electricity, a ‘Remove the Meter’ campaign will be initiated across POJK.In the meeting, an appeal was also made to the hardworking people of Pakistan to support the movement of the oppressed and subjugated residents of Pakistan-occupied Jammu Kashmir.

  1. The JPAC has explicitly elucidated that any individual and/or organizations facilitating the government in the ongoing movement will be perceived by the movement and the public as enemies and traitors of Kashmiris. The Central Public Committee will henceforth be written and referred to as the ‘Jammu and Kashmir Joint Public Action Committee’.
  2. If the series of baseless lawsuits, unwarranted arrests, crackdowns on peaceful sit-ins, raids, and the violation of the sanctity of private dwellings does not cease, a ‘Fill the Jails’ movement will be initiated throughout the state.

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