Karachi: Pak Army assaults women & children,abducts four Baloch youth in midnight raid

Protest erupts after the Pak Army raids a residence in Karachi and assaulted women and children and detained four Baloch youth
Protest After Pak Army's Midnight Raid (Photo: X)

In a concerning incident last night, the Pak Army forcibly entered a residence without any warrant in Karachi’s Lyari Saeedabad and assaulted Baloch women and children. The incident resulted in the forceful detention and enforced disappearance of four Baloch youths by the Pak Army.

This incident has sparked protests across the region and the outraged citizens are gathering in solidarity to denounce the arbitrary actions of the Pak Army and demanding the immediate release of the disappeared individuals.

This event draws attention to the escalating tensions and occurrence of human rights abuse against the Baloch community by the oppressive Pak Army. The Pak establishment forcefully occupied Balochistan on March 27, 1948, and since then the Baloch people have been fighting against the atrocities and Baloch genocide committed by the Pak Army. Reportedly, atrocities like daily home invasions, enforced disappearance, staged encounters, target killings, torture, embarrassment at checkpoints and kidnappings for ransom, surface daily.  

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