Kashmir: Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist arrested from Handwara

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Zakir Hameed Mir (Photo - News Intervention)

In a major counter-terror operation, security forces arrested a Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist who was receiving instructions from a handler based in Pakistan to carry out attacks in the Handwara region of North Kashmir.

Acting on specific intelligence inputs, a joint team of the Indian Army’s 30 Rashtriya Rifles and Jammu and Kashmir Police conducted a raid in Kachri village of Handwara. During the operation, the forces apprehended the terrorist identified as Zakir Hamid Mir, a resident of the village.

According to Dawood Ayoub, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Handwara, a Chinese pistol and a hand grenade were recovered from Mir’s possession. Preliminary investigations revealed that the arrested terrorist was tasked with carrying out targeted killings in the Handwara area.

“Mir was in touch with a Pakistan-based handler named Zahoor Ahmad Mir, who was instigating and instructing him to execute terrorist strikes, which could potentially target innocent civilians,” the SSP said.

SSP said that the Pakistani handler had directed Mir to conduct an “easy terrorist attack” in Handwara, hinting at the possibility of civilian casualties. The security forces’ timely operation averted a major tragedy, he added.

An FIR has been registered against the arrested terrorist, and further investigations are currently underway to unravel the broader conspiracy and network, officials informed.

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