Kashmiris protest against Pakistan Army’s barbarism in Neelam Valley after POK elections

Neelam Valley erupted in protests against Pakistan after the July 26 elections. (Photo/Video: News Intervention)
Neelam Valley erupted in protests against Pakistan after the July 26 elections. (Photo/Video: News Intervention)

On July 26, Pakistan Army conducted sham elections in POK to “select” their candidates. Soon after voting closed the Pakistani Frontier Corps (FC) personnel forcibly took away local vehicles and misbehaved with the women. This was vehemently resisted by the Kashmiris. In response the Pakistan Frontier Corps personnel opened fire and killed one Kashmiri and injured thirteen others. After this the Kashmiris started raising slogans against Pakistan Army and soon massive protests erupted across Neelam Valley in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK).
Watch News Intervention video report to understand the real picture inside Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK).

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