News Intervention’s Balochistan coverage rattles Pakistan

Screenshot of the email received by News Intervention from Pakistani regime to remove report on Balochistan.
Screenshot of the email received by News Intervention from Pakistani regime to remove report on Balochistan.

Dear Reader,
We launched News Intervention with a sole objective to raise all those issues that were systematically being overlooked by the mainstream media or buried comfortably to serve vested interests. This selective highlighting of issues has created serious societal distortions across South Asia that favours the rich and privileged at the cost of marginalised and oppressed. News Intervention then decided to stand up for the oppressed communities. Rather than go with the flow and join rush hour traffic with other mainstream media organisations we pause, reflect, analyse and present news stories based on facts.

We continue to raise several issues such as, the Pakistan Army’s atrocities across Balochistan and human rights violations by the Pakistani regime in Pashtunistan and Sindh. Through facts and hard-hitting evidence our reportage has successfully exposed the Pakistan Army’s doublespeak on Kashmir. News Intervention has also unravelled the dirty shenanigans of Pakistani regime across POK and Gilgit-Baltistan. And all this with solid factual evidence. Yes, FACTS are indeed sacrosanct for us.

Our guiding philosophy has been to report truth, howsoever uncomfortable and unsettling it may be. Just last month we launched News Intervention in Urdu, in order to reach out to the Urdu readers.

These initiatives touch the raw nerve of Pakistan Army Generals and their puppet regime. Our reporters receive constant threats and endure filthy abuses, yet, continue to write reports that would not be published anywhere except for News Intervention.

A couple of days ago we received a diktat from the Pakistani regime to remove a news report on Balochistan that exposes Pakistan Army’s genocide in Balochistan.

“…The below mentioned URL content being hosted on your website is pertaining to Anti-State category, as defined in Section 37 of Prevention of Electronic crime Act (PECA-2016) and Section 121, 122(A) of Pakistan Penal Code, is requested to be removed on priority, please,” read the diktat from a Pakistani agency called Web Analysis Team, which is a front for the ISI.

Of course, we refused to comply because the said report on Balochistan is based on facts and as said earlier, facts are sacrosanct for News Intervention. We have all the evidence to justify our news report and so there was no need to comply with the unreasonable demand of Pakistani regime only because it exposes their dark underbelly. However, after our refusal the stream of filthy abuses by Pakistani regime has increased manifold.

And it does not end here. Pakistan Army and its puppet regime regularly pressurize Big Tech companies to shadow ban our news video reports, documentaries and news stories. In January when eleven Hazara Shias were mercilessly murdered on the directions of ISI in Balochistan the Pakistani regime lodged a complaint and advertisements on News Intervention pages were stopped. This is nothing but soft arm twisting to hit our revenue flow and make News Intervention fall in line with the narrative doled out by the Pakistan Army.

It’s precisely for this reason that we decided to reach out to you and let you know our story and the difficulties we face in reporting the developments across South Asia.

Pakistani regime commits inhuman atrocities on hapless people of Balochistan, POK, Gilgit-Baltistan, Sindh and Pashtunistan, and is still able to get away with it only because other media groups choose to look at these regions from the convenient prism of Pakistan’s Panjabi elite. News Intervention chose to highlight these issues. And since these are unsettling for the Pakistani regime so News Intervention platforms are subject to constant hacking attempts and smear campaigns.

Unlike big daddies of media News Intervention does not rely on feeds from the Pakistani regime, nor we are interested in amplifying their discourse. The sole driving force for News Intervention reports, news analysis and documentaries are facts and truth.

News Intervention has not cowed down and we will continue to bring out stories which need to see the light of the day. We are revolutionary journalists. We are the voice of unheard.

Vivek Sinha
News Intervention


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