Pak Army attempts to stop the Baloch Genocide March from entering Quetta

Baloch Long March Defies Obstacles, Reaches Quetta Amidst Tight Security
Baloch Long March Defies Obstacles, Reaches Quetta Amidst Tight Security (Photo - News Intervention)

In a defiant display, the Baloch Long March, organized by the Baloch Unity Committee against enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and human rights violations, finally reached Quetta on Monday (11 Dec) evening, overcoming hurdles and tight security measures imposed by the authorities.

The march, comprising families of missing Baloch persons, began in Turbat a week ago and has traversed hundreds of kilometers, drawing support and solidarity from local communities along the way. Despite attempts to impede their progress in various districts, the determined participants braved elements like fatigue, and police barricades to reach their destination.

Challenges and Resistance

The march faced its first major obstacle in Mastung, where authorities erected roadblocks and attempted to halt its progress. Undeterred, the participants peacefully but firmly challenged the restrictions, eventually pushing forward.

Similar attempts were made in Quetta, with police deploying heavy contingents and sealing off the Red Zone, a high-security area housing government offices, to prevent the march from reaching its intended endpoint. However, the families persisted, navigating alternative routes and successfully entering the city.

Red Zone Sealed

As of Monday evening, the Red Zone remains sealed off, with container trucks blocking access and security forces maintaining a vigilant presence. The families have set up camp nearby, vowing to hold a peaceful protest on Tuesday (12th Dec) to highlight their plight and demand justice for their loved ones.

A Symbol of Resilience

The Baloch Long March has become a powerful symbol of resilience and the unwavering pursuit of justice for the Baloch community. Their determination and peaceful defiance in the face of adversity have captured the attention of the nation and drawn international media spotlight.

The Baloch Unity Committee has urged national and international organizations to take notice of the human rights crisis unfolding in Balochistan and demand an end to the Pak Army’s abuses. The long march’s success in reaching Quetta stands as a testament to the families’ unwavering commitment to their cause and their determination to keep the plight of their missing loved ones in the spotlight.

The next few days will be crucial as the families hold their protest in Quetta. Whether the authorities will engage in dialogue and address their concerns remains to be seen, but the march itself has undoubtedly achieved its goal of raising awareness and highlighting the ongoing tragedy in Pak-occupied-Balochistan.

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