Pak Army exploits Afghan refugees; arrests women & children in Islamabad

afghan refugees
Pak Army Arrests Afghan Refugees (Photo - X)

Recently, reports from Islamabad reveal the alarming arrest of Afghan refugees, including women and children. Shockingly, many of the detained refugees possess valid legal documents issued by the United Nations and SHARP (Society for Human Rights and Prisoners’ Aid). Despite this, they are rounded up arbitrarily, illustrating the Paki establishment’s deep-rooted contempt for humanitarian obligations.

This crackdown is a cruel extension of Pakistan’s notorious “strategic depth” policy, which has destabilized Afghanistan for decades. By meddling in Afghan politics, orchestrating coups in Kabul, and fuelling wars, the Paki establishment has systematically uprooted countless Afghans, rendering them homeless and vulnerable. Punjabi Pak Army elite, notorious for profiteering from human misery, continues to exploit these displaced communities. Refugees who escape the horrors of war are arrested without cause and subjected to extortion, only to secure their release through bribes.

Such actions reveal the Punjabi Pak Army’s exploitative motives—wars are engineered to displace millions to fill the coffers of the military-industrial complex. Afghan refugees bear the brunt of this vicious cycle. Displaced from their homeland due to Pakistan’s interference, they are further humiliated and persecuted upon seeking refuge across the border. It is time the world holds Pakistan accountable for its war crimes and the perpetual misery it inflicts on vulnerable communities for its own gain.

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