Pak Army murders a Sindhi in Tando Adam

Deceased Afzul Lund (Photo: News Intervention)

A Sindhi nationalist has been shot dead in Tando Adam, Sindh.

As per reports, Afzal Lund, a Sindhi nationalist was a political worker and a social media activist who was quite popular over TikTok. He used the platform to raise the voice against the establishment’s persecution. He was the resident of Khairpur Nathan.

Following his pursuit to raise awareness regarding the cruelty of Paki establishment, last year he was forcibly disappeared by the Pakistan Army. Later, he was released.

Now, he has been brutally killed. Apparently, it is the terrorist Pakistan Army that has killed him uncompassionately.

Pakistan Army has been the perpetrator of the most horrendous suppression of the people across Pakistan. Sindh is fighting for the freedom and human rights of Hindu and other minority communities. Pakistan Army and the establishments on the other hand are leaving no stone unturned to suppress the freedom seeking voices.

Akin to Balochistan, Pakistan Army is incorporating the tool of enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings to suppress the voice of dissent.

Afzal Lund’s bullet riddled body underscores the atrocities of the Pakistan Army and Pakistan’s government which has destroyed the life of uncountable number of families.  

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