Pak Army raids homes in Sindh; injures several women

Victim (Photo - News Intervention)

Recently, the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) of Golarchi, Pakistan raided a Hindu family’s home in Badin, Sindh. The firing that ensued during the raid resulted in brutally injuring a Hindu woman and her husband was arrested without any legal case against him.

This incident depicts the vulnerability and injustice faced by Hindu minorities in Pakistan. This is not uncommon incident in Pakistan but a daily reminder of the atrocities faced by Hindu minorities in Pakistan.

There are several incidents that have surfaced on atrocities faced by Hindu minorities such as rape, murder, conversion, invasion, cultural suppression etc, which underscores the urgent need for Pakistan to address the systemic discrimination and violence faced by its Hindu minority.

Global attention is urgently needed to shed light on the plight of the Hindu minorities and a concerted efforts is made to hold perpetrators accountable and provide protection and support to those who have been victimized.

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