Pak forces attack peaceful Long March protesters at Punjab-Sindh border

Family members of
Family members of "Missing" persons lit up a bonfire at the roadside to beat extreme cold at Sindh-Punjab border in Pakistan. (Photo: News Intervention)

Pakistani Police and their Rangers attacked the peaceful convoy of Sindh Sabha Long March on Tuesday morning while they were entering the Punjab province of Pakistan from Sindh. The leaders and participants of the Long March had received threats and were attacked on Monday night also but the fresh attacks on Tuesday morning was more violent that has grievously injured several people. Attempts are also being made to arrest the leaders of this protest march, who are constantly being threatened to call off this 1,412 km Long March.

The 1,412 km Long March from Karachi to the headquarters of Pakistan Army at GHQ, Rawalpindi started on November 10 from Karachi, the capital of Sindh. Women, children and elderly have been walking towards the headquarters of Pakistan Army to press for their demand to release the “Missing Persons”, who have been abducted from Balochistan and Sindh. The Sindhi and Baloch people had been protesting for the release of their “Missing” family members but none of the Pakistani authorities listened to them. Family members and friends of these “Missing Persons” were left with no other option but to walk from Karachi to Rawalpindi to plead for the release of their loved ones.

As the women, children and elderly marched on foot braving extreme cold and harsh weather conditions they garnered enormous support from Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtuns. This has worried the Pakistani generals who then resorted to threats and attacks on the Sindh Sabha Long March convoy.

However, Sindh Sabha leaders said that if their Long March towards Rawalpindi would further be attacked then people will come out in large numbers to block the national highways.

Inam Abbasi, Sindh Sabha leader urged all the district presidents of Sindh Sabha to peacefully protest against the attack on Long March convoy by Pakistani state institutions from Wednesday morning. He added that there appeared to be no court or justice in this Pakistani federation. He also questioned the role of Pakistani parliament in standing for the rights of common people.

“Big meetings are taking place. No one has a problem there, yet some people are needlessly talking about about the spread of Coronavirus due to this Long March. As the oppression grows, so will the reaction. The secret services considers themselves masters and above the law. We will not stop, we will continue our work. The Sindhi nation will answer them itself,” said Inam Abbasi.

Hani Gul Baloch, leader of the Long March, said that several of their comrades had been injured. “They are preventing us from peaceful protest against Pakistani forces and not allowing us to enter Punjab. We should make it clear that in any case, we will continue the Long March till our loved ones are released,” she said.

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