Paki establishment increases militarization of PoJK to intensify control

AJK Rangers (Photo - Web)

The recent establishment of the AJK Rangers force in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoJK) shows the region’s heavy-handed surveillance and militarization. This move is a disturbing signal of Pakistan’s intentions to impose similar harsh conditions in PoJK as those in occupied-Balochistan, where military presence has led to prolonged unrest and conflict.

The introduction of the AJK Rangers is an effort to intensify control and militarize the region, exacerbating existing tensions among residents. This development is a blatant attempt by the Paki establishment to further entrench its dominance. The deployment of such forces is a means to stifle dissent and crush the burgeoning demands for rights and freedoms.

PoJK residents are being treated not as citizens with inherent rights but as subjects to be monitored and subdued. The local administration in PoJK, is a puppet of the Paki establishment, and has engaged in oppressive tactics, including registering fake FIRs against activists who challenge the status quo. These actions, carried out under the orders of the Pakistan Army, are efforts to silence voices demanding justice and development.

The region’s struggle for rights and better infrastructure has been met with severe repression. Peaceful demonstrations advocating for basic necessities and freedom have been ruthlessly suppressed by Pak forces.

The imposition of the AJK Rangers force is an attempt to further control and suppress the population, raising serious questions about the future of autonomy and stability in PoJK.

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