Pakistan Army abducts 4 Sindhi activists in a desperate bid to crush dissent

Sindhi activists abducted by the Pakistan Army.

Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) has condemned the abduction of four Sindhi nationalist activists, including Nader Bugti, in a brutal and systematic attack by Pakistan Army and its intelligence wing the ISI. The recent wave of enforced disappearances reflects the deepening repression against those advocating for autonomy and human rights in Sindh.

Nader Bugti was abducted from the Dhabeji stop on Thursday evening while three other Sindhi activists—Younis Chang, Tufail Sheikh, and Qadir Bugti—were abducted over the past three days. These “enforced disappearances” highlight the increasing use of abductions by Pakistan’s military agencies to silence voices calling for political autonomy and resisting loot of Sindh’s resources.

The JSFM condemned these acts as a gross violation of human rights and a deliberate attempt to crush peaceful dissent. “These abductions are not isolated incidents but part of a broader campaign by Pakistan’s Army and ISI to intimidate and suppress minority political activists demanding justice and autonomy for Sindh,” said Sohail Abro, the chairman of JSFM.

Sindhi Activists Abducted

The “enforced disappearances” and forceful abduction of political activists have been a tool of Pakistani regime to curb dissent and suppress all kinds of criticism. Activists and political dissidents have long been targets of enforced disappearances, leaving families and communities in anguish. The pattern of targeting Sindhi nationalists echoes similar tactics employed by the Pakistan military in other ethnic regions, where enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and death squads have terrorized the population.

The JSFM has appealed to international organizations, including the United Nations, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch, to take urgent notice of the growing atrocities in Sindh. “The world must not turn a blind eye to these barbaric acts by Pakistan’s military. The safety and immediate release of these abducted activists must be ensured, and the perpetrators held accountable,” urged Zubair Sindhi, a central leader of the movement.

The abductions come as part of Pakistan’s broader strategy to maintain its colonial grip over Sindh, suppress political movements, and stifle calls for freedom. These actions are a stark reminder of the oppressive role the military plays in undermining democracy across Pakistan.

JSFM leaders reaffirmed their commitment to non-violent resistance and vowed to continue their fight for the rights and dignity of the Sindhi people. “We will not be silenced by fear or brutality,” said Amar Azadi. “The struggle for Sindh’s freedom will persist, and we demand justice for our abducted comrades.”

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