Pakistan has given free hand to death squads in Balochistan – Mama Qadeer


The Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) completed the 4298th day of its historical protest in Quetta on Wednesday. A delegation of the civil society of Balochistan visited the camp and expressed solidarity with the families of the Baloch missing persons. Addressing the gathering, VBMP Vice-Chairman Mama Qadeer Baloch said that the state has given a free hand to the death squads in Balochistan.

He said that the Pakistani state has been started by the widespread popularity and positive reception of the peaceful struggle in Balochistan. In its desperate attempts to quell the struggle, the state formed these inhumane, bloodthirsty death squads and gave them a free hand to operate throughout Balochistan. These groups are directly or indirectly involved in the “enforced disappearance” and liquidation of student leaders, journalists, rights activists and political workers, he said.

Mama Qadeer further said that these groups have raided several houses in Balochistan and “abducted” numerous individuals. Trespassing on the privacy of the householders, they breach into their houses and confiscated and vandalize their possessions. In Balochistan, the honour and dignity of people are nowhere safe, he said.

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