Pashtuns resist Pak Army’s proxy war tactics in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

khyber pakhtunkhwa
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Residents of Khyber Tirah are taking to the streets to protest Pak Army’s policies, which are designed to sow discord and facilitate proxy wars in their homeland. The demonstrations reflect growing frustration with strategies that has regrouped various interest groups under the guise of counter-terrorism operations.

“They create terrorism, force us from our homes, and then use our land for their mercenary wars”, says a local. Residents argue that Army’s tactic of pitting factions against each other in Terah has been employed without considering its devastating impact on the broader Pashtun population.

These operations, far from enhancing security, are causing innocent civilian deaths. The community’s message is clear: they refuse to let their region become another battleground for external interests. Pakistan has employed various tactics to oppress the Pashtun community, abductions, arrests, enforced disappearances and killing innocent people in the name of security has become too common.

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