Protest in Germany against Pakistan Army’s atrocities in Pak-occupied Balochistan

Protest in Germany against the atrocities of Pak Army in Pak-occupied Balochistan
Protest in Germany (Photo: X)

In a recent development, the Baloch Republican Party has reported a protest demonstration in the city of Gottingen, Germany, against the ongoing military operations by the Pak Army in Pak-occupied Balochistan. The demonstration aimed to draw attention to forced disappearances and fake encounters that have led to the tragic deaths of young individuals in the resource-rich troubled region.

Protesters voiced their concerns over the continuous rise in military aggression by the Pakistan Army in Pak-occupied- Balochistan. According to their accounts, a recent military operation in Bolan specifically targeted a significant number of people, subjecting them to forced disappearances. Disturbingly, reports emerged of local homes being set ablaze and their livestock being looted during these operations.

The activists further emphasized that thousands of cases of forced disappearances persist across Pak-occupied Balochistan, with Dera Bugti as one of the affected areas. In response to these atrocities, the Baloch Republican Party appealed to international human rights organizations and the global community, urging them to take a stance against Army-sponsored terrorism.

Baloch activists, through their rallies and campaigns on foreign soil, are working to bring attention to the challenges and dreams of the Baloch people, both within and outside Pakistan.

These activists are actively participating in a petition, urging international authorities to address the ongoing hardships faced by their community. They are specifically calling on the United Nations and human rights organizations to intervene and hold those responsible for the crimes in Balochistan accountable. To ensure a thorough investigation, the activists are advocating for a fact-finding mission led by the United Nations Working Group.

Balochistan, known as one of Pakistan’s most underdeveloped regions, has faced numerous atrocities committed by the Army and its intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). These actions include abductions, killings, and torture, creating an atmosphere of fear among the Baloch people. Injustice and alienation have driven Baloch individuals to voice their concerns on the international platform against the oppression they face.

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