Radical Islamists attack a youth meeting in POJK

JKNSF students attacked by Paki terrorists
Protest by JKNSF (Photo: Social Media)

Terrorists of the banned Pakistani jihadist organization Jamaat-e-Islami attacked a meeting of the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation in Hajira area of Pakistan-occupied Jammu & Kashmir.The leaders of NSF said that the administration itself was involved in the Hajira incident.This attack was followed by a series of sit-ins and protests.
The youth said that the people of occupied Jammu & Kashmir are under threat from Pakistani terrorist groups, Jamaat-e-Islami, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, and other ISI crime branches.

They further said that the attack on the meeting of the state party NSF, cannot demoralize them and that they pledged to continue the struggle till the dawn of freedom.President NSF, Samad Shakeel said that after the ISI’s murderous attack and firing on the participants of the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation, the Jammu Kashmir National Students Federation has announced an indefinite sit-in until the arrest of the terrorists.

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