Second Pass of the World Intelligence Network 3.13-4.8 Sigma Societies


To the micro-fraction interested in such an analysis in this series, let’s continue, please, the World Intelligence Network lists a significant number of high-IQ societies, which comes in two lists. One states 65 active high-IQ societies; another lists 84 “active” high-IQ societies. “Active” is the presumptive status of the 84 high-IQ societies claimed, as such, for the World Intelligence Network. Based on the first three articles, “active” is not true. Perhaps, it was, but not anymore. These series of inter-related articles focus on the second list, as it’s, purely and simply, longer – 84 in contrast to 65. The original idea was four articles based on two segments of the societies and then a first pass & second pass analysis of the societal status. This idea could be extended with further thought now into the claimed higher sigma societies beyond 4.8.

This fourth article covers the second pass or second review of the World Intelligence Network “active” high-IQ societies between sigmas 3.13 and 4.8. The first pass reviews the website links to see the status directly from the World Intelligence Network. The second pass looks at the world’s largest search engine with keyword searches, i.e., Google searches. The President of the World Intelligence Network is Evangelos Katsioulis and the Vice President/Vice-President is Manahel Thabet. The publication for the World Intelligence Network is Phenomenon run by co-editors Lord Graham Powell/Graham Powell and Krystal Volney. Here we go again, dear reader:

At 3.13 sigma, the Ludomind Society of Albert Frank and Peter Bentley appears mentioned in an article by Albert Frank hosted on the web domain of Paul Cooijmans entitled “Ludomind, A New Society.” The article states:

Ludomind was founded in 1999 by Albert Frank.

In 2003, it became an International Society, (re)founded by Peter Bentley and Albert Frank. The goal of the society is – without any exception – to present BEAUTIFUL puzzles. The members must of course specify if they are the author of the puzzle, or give the origin. A puzzle may never come from a (active or inactive) test.

Besides, the puzzles may not be (too) cultural, may not be related to a language (some members don’t speak English), and must not need high academics knowledge.

To become a member, ALL of the following conditions are needed:

– An estimated I.Q. > 150 (this condition is the less important)

– To have created or selected ONLY beautiful puzzles

– To be active – this means to present a puzzle minimum from time to time

– To accept, on the mailing list, to send mails only – without any restriction – concerning puzzles. The SesquIQ Society appears defunct…

… The URL is:

The URL is defunct. One can find a copy of the article: The same URL is defunct. “Eight Unusual High IQ Societies” by ‘bkivey’ mentions the society, which states the 150+ IQ (S.D. 16) requirement for membership. The World Genius Directory lists the society, while the link there, too, is defunct. AtlantIQ Society lists Ludomind in its dead societies section. Thus, on the second pass, and the first pass, Ludomind appears defunct. One can find numerous references to SesquIQ Society without legitimate links to a valid web domain leading to a second pass conclusion of the defunct status of it. However, its old website stated:

About SesquIQ:

          ”Sesqui-” means one and a half, (sesquicentennial is 150 years), so using a play on the prefix and an acronym, adding “sesqui” to the average IQ of 100 is therefore 150. Pronounced ( ses kwi’ ku ). Our first purpose is to put learned knowledge into action, to live-out our philosophy of productivity.

Membership Requirements:

          (i) Verifiable 150 IQ (99.9%+ as scored on a legitimate supervised IQ test), or 360 SQ. (ii) Personally and physically involved in a productive action which has universal value to Nature. (iii) Dissertation explaining your activity in detail. (iv) Must be polite, honest, compassionate, fair, ethically moral, peaceful, and logically minded. (v) Online members must submit an update of their activity twice a year to be reviewed for continuing membership.

At 3.2 sigma, the ISI-Society of Jonathan Wai seems defunct on its first pass while functional and active on its second pass[1]. Its current administrators are Stanislav Riha and Braco Veletanlic. Its distinguished members are Laurent Dubois, Hindemburg Melao Jr., Philip J. Carter, Evangelos G. Katsioulis, Petri Widsten, Carlos P. Simoes, Xavier Jouve, David Udbjorg, Hernan R. Chang, Umit Soygenis, Vernon M. Neppe, Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa, Edward Close, Marco Ripà, Paul Freeman, Paul Moroz, Mark van Vuuren, Adrian Klein, Niranjan C. Bhat, Jason Betts, Beatrice Rescazzi, and Simon Olling Rebsdorf. The Smart People Society appears defunct on first pass and second pass.

At 3.26 sigma, the Epida Society of Fernando Barbosa Neto appears active, online, and functional. Its President is Andrew Aus; Member Officer is Erdem Yilmaz; and, vice-membership officers Michael Baker and Phil Elauria.[1] The World Intelligence Network describes the society as follows:

Epida is a high IQ society founded on 09/01/2010 for people with an IQ equal to or higher than 152 on a scale using a standard deviation of 16. This is to say that 0.06% of the world population would qualify.

The word ‘Epida’ actually embodies the minimum criterion for admission. How so? An IQ of 152 is 3.25 standard deviations above the mean, 3.25 is equal to 3 + 1/4. Realizing that the first letter of ‘plus’ is ‘p’ and the first letter of ‘division’ is ‘d’, and replacing these symbols with these letters in ‘3+1/4’ one obtains ‘3p1d4’. Replacing the numbers with their similarly-shaped letters in the western alphabet, one obtains Epida!

In the forum, there are discussions on the topics of intelligence, puzzles, science and philosophy.

Although, its copyright on the web domain states “2012,” which leads to questions about the degree of activity if “active.”

At 3.33 sigma, the sinApsa Society of Marin Filinic appears defunct on first pass and second pass. One only receives a “.swf” file – be careful with “.swf” files in general.

At 3.66 sigma, the SPIQR Society of Marco Ripà appears functional while inactive or on an old platform on the first pass. It has a listing on the World Intelligence Network with the statement:

sPIqr is an international society, founded on 18th February 2010 with the purpose of bringing together people who pass the 99.98 percentile in two or more selected IQ tests.

The acronym sPIqr derives from the Italian pronunciation of the crest S.P.Q.R., that is, “Senatus Populusque Romanus”. Furthermore, pi=3.1415… is the relationship between the diameter of a circle and its perimeter. In the mind of humankind, the circle has always represented the ideal of perfection. Obviously sPIqr also contains the letters “IQ”, which indicates the core element of this kind of virtual cafe.

The purpose of the sPIqr is to make people aware of how important the inclusion of gifted children is within the school system. Very often these brilliant children have to face up to a hostile environment that doesn’t allow them to fully express their abilities.

sPIQr Society appears online, functional, and with an active member listing on the second pass[3]. Ripà is active on YouTube on a channel devoted to interests of his and talks by him.

At 3.73 sigma, the Coeus Society of Martin Tobias Lithner looks defunct on the first pass as well as the second pass. The Hall Of The Ancients (HOTA) of Brennan Martin looks defunct on first pass and second pass. The RationalWiki website states:

Founded by a psychic and advocates pseudo-eugenics as well as authoritarianism, oh boy. Apparently all decisions for the common man should be made by the smartest .001% of the population. If Mensa is the Rolex of high IQ clubs then this one is the totally legitimate “Rollex” that you bought from the flea market.

The Vertex Society of Steven Wagner-Damianowitsch appears defunct on the first pass with a new use for the web domain. However, based on correspondence with Steven Wagner-Damianowitsch, Vertex Society is active, though small in membership, with 29 members in its 14 years in existence. The sigma of 3.75 for the membership (not precisely 3.73) may explain this low membership. Its non-defunct (second pass found) website states:

Fellows Society for Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted (FSEPG) – Vertex, is an International Nonprofit Association gathering individuals with scores above IQ 160 SD16 on professional, standardized tests of intelligence – a rarity of 1/11,000 or 3.75 standard deviations above the mean – as far as intelligence can be reliably measured. It is one of the very few associations whose members are selected by means of professional, standardized, supervised intelligence tests only, which makes the society entrance claim undoubted as per standards of the scientific community.

FSEPG Vertex also fills an enormous gap. Up until the foundation of Vertex, there have existed no societies with entry requirements between 3 and 4 standard deviations.
Societies, many of which ambiguous with regard to the validity of their admission tools, often clutter at the same cut-off points, providing no gradation, and introducing confusion.

As FSEPG Vertex is aimed at the opposite, it was deemed useless unless being strongly based on the use of professional tests only, and providing finer gradation to the properly qualified members of the HIQ community. It is on these two principles that Vertex Society has been founded on and to which it is pledged to adhere.

Founded in the summer of 2006.

The Vertex Society Distinguished Research Fellow is Angelica Partida Hanon. Its research fellows are Martin M. Jacobsen, Evangelos Katsioulis, Thomas Chittenden, and Silvio Di Fabio. Its Distinguished Fellow is Stephan W.D. Its society fellows include Stephan W.D., Joshua A. Patterson, Vittorio Emanuel Lestat, Eduardo Correa da Costa, Angelica Partida Hanon, David Lubkin, Nathan Bourgoin, Paul Laurent, Stephen D. Flax, Marios Prodromou, Martin M. Jacobsen, Joseph Getti, Bernhard Junker, Milos Tatarevic, C. Vnt, Thomas Joseph Hally, Wayne Zhang, Evangelos Katsioulis, Hideharu Kobayashi, Aubrey Ellen Shomo, John Argenti, George Christos Petasis, Thomas W. Chittenden, Kevin J. Curley, Jeremy Leland Hauger, Dr. Jürgen Koller, Thomas Dalsgaard Nielsen, Andreas Kounis-Melas, and Silvio Di Fabio.

At 4 sigma, the Camp Archimedes Society of Fivos Drymiotis and Lestat seems defunct with a website disabled on the first pass and the second pass. The Epimetheus Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin appears functional and potentially active, though uncertain on the latter point; this is based on first pass and second pass review. Ronald Hoeflin has been a busy man.[4] The Ergo Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa seems defunct. As with the sinApsa Society, one only receives a “.swf” file – be careful with “.swf” files, not necessarily this one. RationalWiki describes the Ergo Society:

The people who devote days of their life to finishing complex puzzles are the real heroes. Ergo was set up to reward these self-sacrificing doyens of high IQ societies with free access to more complex puzzles for them to solve, ostensibly to assist with norming. Don’t think too hard about that concept or it starts to resemble unpaid work.

On first pass and second pass, the Ergo Society is defunct. The HELLIQ Society of Evangelos Katsioulis appears functional and active, though segmented from the World Intelligence Network web domain as a website.[5] Its website states:

HELLIQ Society is the new millennium high IQ society for the profoundly gifted homines intelligentes. Founded on the first day of the third millennium (01/01/2001) by Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis MD, HELLIQ functions as an entirely web based superior intelligence community.

HELLIQ Society is the 2nd member society of the World Intelligence Network (WIN)


Helliq members are symbolically referred to as HELLIA.

The first component of the Society name is meant to be highly related with the Greek word for GREEK, which is HELLENIC and also with the Greek word for the sun, which is HELIOS. The Society name consists of two components: the first component consists of the first four letters, HELL, before the second IQ component. The number of letters of the component HELL- corresponds to the minimum number of standard deviations (4) on an intelligence performance required for membership.

Its presidents have been Marc-André Groulx, Thomas B., Stephan Wagner Damianowitsch, and Evangelos Katsioulis. Its vice-presidents have been Wayne Zhang, Evangelos Katsioulis, Djordje Rancic, D.T., Ph.D., and Thomas B. Its web officers have been Evangelos Katsioulis, Stephan Wagner-Damianowitsch/Stephan Wagner Damianowitsch, and David Bergman. Its membership officers have been Evangelos Katsioulis, Bruno Alpi, and Tan Kaijie. On first pass and second pass, the HELLIQ Society is not defunct. The Prometheus Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin looks functional, active, and longstanding. Its current President is Maco Stewart. Its current Editor position is vacant. Its current Membership Officer is Maco Stewart. Its current Treasurer is Brian Schwartz. Its current Internet Officer is Karyn Huntting Peters. Its current Ombudsman(/woman/person) is Shannon Hasenfratz Gardner.[6] Prominent members have been Ronald Hoeflin, Marilyn vos Savant, Karyn Huntting/Karyn S. Huntting, and Dan Barker. On the second pass, one can see a boasting of over 100 members worldwide. However, some previously functional links on the website are no longer functional. On first pass and second pass, the Prometheus Society is not defunct. Next, the Sigma IV Society of Hindemburg Melão appears to have members, though seems inactive at this time, i.e., paralytic.[7] It has 171 subscribers and 14 members. Its website states:

Founder: Hindemburg Melão Jr.
Theoretical Cut-off: 99,997%

Admission Criteria: IQ above 164 or equivalent true rarity in the following tests (only these tests):

Members: Sigma Test, Sigma Test VI, Sigma Associations Test, Sigma Analogy Test (+s4)

Subscribers: members of Sigma II

The Tetra Society of Mislav Predavec looks active. It has a decent number of members. Its “functionaries” are membership officer Frandix Chun Him Chan and the founder & president Mislav Predavec.[8] On first and second pass, the Tetra Society seems non-defunct.

At 4.01 sigma, The Platinum Society of Hindemburg Melão seems defunct on first and second pass. The AtlantIQ Society lists the society as a dead society, too.

At 4.27 sigma, the Eximia Society of Patrick Kreander seems defunct. The UltraNet Society of Gina Losasso and Christopher Langan appears defunct on the first pass. On the second pass, Gina Losasso should be, respectfully, Dr. Gina Langan, which is not the listed name or qualification on the World Intelligence Network website. Same with Dr. Ronald Hoeflin too. Others had truncated academic titles too. The “UltraNet Society” should be the Ultranet of the Mega Foundation, where the Ultranet appears to have moved to the platform of Patreon devoted to the noble stated aim of the assistance of the severely gifted.

At 4.8 sigma, the GenerIQ Society of Mislav Predavec seems defunct on the first pass, though with a website on the second pass with unknown levels of activity. Its website states:

Founded in the year 2002, with the main goal to register and gather individuals with highly developed abilities of strict logic, abstract thinking, and reasoning, this society in its kernel has the intention to create a competitive but friendly environment for its members and visitors as well. This society has not an intention to build itself a temple, nor make a shrine to its members in an elitistic manner of discriminating intelligence of other people, but to tease the brains of people who are aware of their high intellectual potentials.

In fact, there are not many people out there who have proven their outstanding intelligence at the level 1 out of 100,000 or 1 out of a million people, they can be counted on fingers of one hand, or two maybe. The list of admission tests which this society recognizes and accepts as a proof of someones IQ is not very long, but that is to be expected since there exist more tests than members.

At the moment, the society has 19 full and 15 prospective members from 20 countries on 5 continents.

The Incognia Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa appears defunct on first pass and second pass. The Mega Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin looks active, functional, and longstanding.[9] Its officers include Administrator Emeritus Jeff Ward, Administrator Brian Wiksell, editors Richard May and Ken Shea, and Internet Officer Daniel Shea. Unfortunately, there was significant controversy within the Mega Society leading to the Mega Society suing for stoppage of the use of their name many years ago based on the requisite legal documentation. The evidence and outcome is in the legal documents available on the Mega Society website.[10] Another aspect of the Mega Society with some potential for cold water required at this time because of widespread misinformation. Some individuals took the Mega Test, in particular, under pseudonyms or fake names & real names for two attempts rather than once. The reality of the matter, the most legitimate test scores should be the real name and the first attempt on any given test, especially in consideration of experimental or alternative tests. Over the Mega Test, several individuals garnered minor fame for the scores: Marilyn vos Savant, Rick Rosner/Rick G. Rosner, Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan, John H. Sununu/John Henry Sununu, Keith Raniere, and Solomon W. Golomb. The individuals who took the test twice while using fake names for one of the attempts were Rick Rosner posing as “Richard Sterman” and Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan presented as “Eric Hart.” Rosner/“Sterman” scored 44/48 on the first attempt on the Mega Test. Langan/ Hart” scored 42/48 on the first attempt on the Mega Test. Marilyn vos Savant scored 46/48 on the first attempt on the Mega Test – higher than anyone on the first attempt and under the real name. Thus, there is no king of the Mega Test; there is the Queen, though: Marilyn (Mach) vos Savant. The scores on the Mega Test on the sixth norming for Langan/“Hart,” Rosner/“Sterman,” and vos Savant, for the 42/48, 44/48, and 46/48, would be, on S.D. 16, IQs of 174, 180, and 186, respectively. Subsequently, in issue 206 of Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society, David Redvaldsen published an article or republished an article entitled “Do the Mega and Titan Tests Yield Accurate Results? An Investigation Into Two Experimental Intelligence Tests.” In it, he produced a different set of norms of the Mega Test and the Titan Test. Redvaldsen’s norms would earn Langan/“Hart,” Rosner/“Sterman,” and vos Savant, IQs of 163, 167, and 170+, respectively, on an S.D. of 16. Therefore, on the Mega Test scores, and on an S.D. of 16, between the Redvaldsen norming and the sixth Hoeflin norming, the first attempts – the truer scores on the Mega Test, even ignoring the use of a fake name and the status of an alternative test and not a mainstream test, though a higher quality one – would yield IQs between 163 to 174 for Langan/“Hart,” 167 to 180 for Rosner/“Sterman,” and 170+ to 186 for vos Savant, respectively. Other scores claimed in the 190s, 200s, or even 210, would amount to irresponsible/naive journalism and media hype in mostly minor and medium-sized media outlets in regards to the Mega Test. Redvaldsen reviewed the Titan Test, too, as per the title of the republication. Wikipedia is an unreliable source of information in some, even many, cases. As far as I can tell, “C. Minor” stipulated on the Rick Rosner Wikipedia page does not exist, which claims a tie on the Mega Test and Titan Test scores by the, at the time, 15-year-old person. Do not take the statement of “irresponsible/naive journalism and media hype” from me, alone, to the heart of the matter, the idea of the highest possible general intelligence test score seems worth abandoning to some degree. To take this from an interview with Dr. Ronald Hoeflin, no single highest IQ can be claimed, legitimately, or, at least, seriously, as follows, in “An Interview with Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin on “The Encyclopedia of Categories,” Family History and Feelings, Upbringing and Giftedness, and Aptitudes (Part One)” (2019); Hoeflin states:

The Guinness Book of World Records abandoned its “Highest IQ” entry in 1989 because the new editor thought (correctly) that it is impossible to compare people’s IQs successfully at world-record level. The highest childhood IQ I know of was that of Alicia Witt, who had a mental age of 20 at the age of 3. Even if she had been 3 years 11 months old, this would still amount to an IQ of over 500! At the age of 7, she played the super-genius sister of the hero in the 1984 movie Dune. On a normal (Gaussian) curve such an IQ would be impossible since an IQ of 201 or so would be equivalent to a rarity of about one-in-7-billion, the current population of the Earth. But it is well known to psychometricians that childhood IQs using the traditional method of mental age divided by chronological age fail to conform to the normal curve at high IQ levels. The Stanford-Binet hid this embarrassing fact in its score interpretation booklet (which I found a copy of in the main library of the New York Public Library) by not awarding any IQs above 169, leaving the space for higher IQs blank! The CMT avoids the embarrassment of awarding IQs of 500 or more by having a maximum possible IQ on Form A (the harder of the two CMTs) of 181. Leta Speyer and Marilyn vos Savant, both of whom I had dated for a time, had been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as having world-record IQs of 196 and of 228, respectively, Marilyn having displaced Leta in the 1986 edition. Leta felt that the 228 IQ of Marilyn was fake, but I was aware that these childhood scores could go well beyond 200 IQ because they fail to conform to the normal curve that Francis Galton had hypothesized as the shape of the intelligence curve in his seminal book Hereditary Genius (first edition 1869, second edition 1892). I was unable to contact Alicia Witt to see if she would be interested in joining the Mega Society. I should note that the three key founders of the ultra-high-IQ societies (99.9 percentile or above) were Chris Harding, Kevin Langdon, and myself. Harding founded his first such society in 1974, Langdon in 1978, and myself in 1982. Mensa, the granddaddy of all high-IQ societies with a 98th percentile minimum requirement, was founded in 1945 or 1946 by Roland Berrill and L. L Ware, and Intertel, with a 99th percentile minimum requirement, was founded in 1966 or 1967 by Ralph Haines. I don’t care to quibble about the precise dates that Mensa and Intertel were founded, so I have given two adjacent dates for each. In its article “High IQ Societies” Wikipedia lists just 5 main high-IQ societies: Mensa, Intertel, the Triple Nine Society, the Prometheus Society, and the Mega Society (minimum percentile requirements: 98, 99, 99.9, 99.997, and 99.9999, respectively; or one-in 50, one-in-100, one-in-1,000, one-in-30,000, and one-in-1,000,000; dates founded: roughly 1945, 1966, 1979, 1982, and 1982; founders: Berrill and Ware, Haines, Kevin Langdon, Ronald K. Hoeflin, and Ronald K. Hoeflin, respectively.

To claim the smartest person in the world is far too premature, even now, and, in many respects, illegitimate, as an example in the case of the Mega Society, the most authoritative source stipulates the same, i.e., the creator of the Mega Test, the Titan Test, the Ultra Test, and the Power Test, and the founder of the Prometheus Society (1982), the Mega Society (1982), the Top One Percent Society (1989), the One-in-a-Thousand Society (1992), the Epimetheus Society (2006), and the Omega Society (2006), or Dr. Ronald Hoeflin, as per the above statement. Marilyn vos Savant, Rick Rosner/Rick G. Rosner, Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan, John H. Sununu/John Henry Sununu, Keith Raniere, and Solomon W. Golomb took the Mega Test. As far as I know, at least, Rosner, of the aforementioned, took the Titan Test. He scored perfect on it. Rosner is the only individual to ever achieve this on the Titan Test, which is before the compromise of the Titan Test. The first Hoeflin norming of the Titan Test is on an S.D. of 16 and would yield an IQ of 190+ if a perfect score or 48/48. However, with Redvaldsen’s norming, 48/48 would correspond to an IQ of 168+, which makes Rosner’s Titan Test perfect score corresponding to an IQ of 168+ to 190+ on an S.D. of 16 between the Redvaldsen norming and the first Hoeflin norming, respectively. The Mega Society takeaway: Both the Titan Test and the Mega Test have been officially compromised; the Ultra Test and the Power Test are accepted for membership purposes of the Mega Society now; vos Savant is the Queen of the Mega Test, while Rosner is the King of the Titan Test; its flagship publication, Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society, continues to publish irregularly under the editorial leadership of Ken Shea and Richard May, previously under Kevin Langdon. An addendum: Granted, these are higher quality alternative tests, though not mainstream general intelligence tests, which can make all the difference. Next, the Omega Society of Ronald K. Hoeflin seems functional and longstanding with an unknown activity level.[11] The Pi Society of Nikos Lygeros is active and functional on the first pass and second pass with extensive data on its website. Lygeros almost contains an overwhelming database of material there.

Thank you for your attention.

[1] Two categories not included in these listings were hidden members and removed members because these provided zero data, except an additional n to the N. Full members of the ISI-Society include Bruno Alpi, Mari Donkers, Paul F. Kisak, Mateusz Kurcewicz, Dieter Wolfgang Matuschek, Jesmond Debono, Roger Kircher, Robbie Dawson, Mike Hess, Alberto Matera, Karl Wilhelmson, Andre Valentic, Michael Ronnlund, Santanu Sengupta, Djordje Rancic, Barry Howard, Anna-Karin Burman, Enrico di Bari, Grant J. Fisher, Glenn Prince, Florian Schroder, Reinhard Matuschka, Edward Vanhove, Terry Strobaugh, Nileon Dimalaluan Jr., Mick Dempsey, Antoniou Constantinos, Torben Sorensen, Jörg Zurkirchen, Marc Heremans, Maria Casillas, Tommy Smith, David Bergman, Keith Takishita, Arne Blak, Marco Roger Graf, Andreas Gunnarsson, Martin Dresler, Robert Brizel, David Giltinan, Stefan Lindberg, Pawel Bulacik, Karin Lindgren, Dylan Taylor, Jonathan May, Jan Merolant, Gilad Skyte, Christian Hohenstein, Tetsuji Nishikura, Georg Michael Strasser, Andrew McGowan, Jean-Eric Pacaud, Rahul Horé, Bart Lindekens, Eric Avendaño, Matthew Dascombe, Bill Clark, Magnus Adamsson, Patrick Allain, Uros Petrovic, Alan O’Donnell, Thomas B., Kirk Butt, Mikael Andersson, Juha Varis, Xavier Reinhard, Pawel Janic, Isaac Ifrach, Vidar Sinding, Chris Chsioufis, Joseph Tomlinson, Richard Stephenson, Robert Bergelson, David Holler, William Handyside, Peter Ingestad, Achim de Vivie, Denis Quéno, Ulf Westerlund, Tommi Salokivi, Christopher Galiardo, Dan Duval, Ashish T. Vaswani, Ian Dowling, Walter Yazdani, Reejis Stephen, Hideharu Kobayashi, Chris Wales, Koji Ito, Adam William Kisby, Jan Glowaski, Ryan Sloan, Collette Carlson Kisby, Kasper Olsen, Romain Simoni, Kaj H. Forsell, Frédéric Lion, Richard M. Riss, Masaaki Yamauchi, Pamela Staschik Neumann, Christos Apostolidis, Thierry Bourret, Jean Loup Agache, Patrick J. Maitland, Joseph Limpert, Andrzej Figurski, Gary Robinson, Gerasimos Politis, Thomas Faulkner, Pedro López, Frederick Fritz Reitz, Shi-hyung Lee, André Ruo, Andreas Wolf, K.Siong Eng, Joe Fitzgerald, William F. Hamilton III, Walter van Huissteden, Papageorgiou G. Pantelis, Konstantinos Ntalachanis, Waddaah, Ivan Ivec, Marcus Gemeinder, Armin Becker, Peter Uebele, Chivorn Kouch, Henrik Hjort, Vittorio E. Lestat, Jani Kristian Savolainen, Panuwat Srimuang, Fivos R Drymiotis, Neil Z. Miller, Thomas Hally, Wayne Guy Butterfield, Aris Giachnis, Sandra Schlick, Alan Willis, César Tomé-López, Chris Haerringer, Wayne Zhang, Serge Miserez, Tobias Lindberg, Athanasios N.Nikolakopoulos, Todd H. Fox, David Lubkin, Ole Mose, Paul Laurent, Maco Stewart, Greg A. Grove, Andrés Leonardo Gómez Emilsson, Okay Karakas, Todd Emslie, Jyrki Leskelä, Martin M. Jacobsen, Daniel Solis, Dallayce Bright, Blake Woodward, Julie Tribes, Eric Lionel Pratte, Gérald Grossmann, Heo Hoon, Didier Jacquet, Justin Benedict, Jamie Stroud, Anna Ayanova, Han-Kyung Lee, Aaron Light, José Gutiérrez Sáez de Castillo, Robert Herceg, Nate Durham, Frederik Kerling, Erik Dellcrantz, Rudimar Schmitz, Anirban Bhattacharyya, Don Watson, Gi Beom Bae, Jan Snauwaert, Dong Su Ryu, Rodrigo Garcia Kosinski, Burak Yulug, Chris Liggett, Jan Antusch, Anthony William Lawson, Dany Provost, Thuy-Vi Ton That, Hope Hanson, Robin Bourbon, Antonio Rada García, Takeshi Amagi, Jeff Goldman, David Quint, Yusaku Hori, Pablo Fernández González, Hakan Erdil, Craig Albrecht, Perry Choi, Stefan Majoran, Gabriel Silvasi, Shinji Okazaki, Christian Croona, Ivo Rubic, Christoph Gersdorff, Jeff Leonard, Øyvind Torsen, Ernie Marasigan, Paul Landuyt, Aleksandra Vidanovic, Richard Lemyre, Richard Sharp, Joshua Sparks, Maciej Slowinski, Luka Banic, Afsin Saltik, Jarl Victor Bjørgan, James T. Keating, Patrick J. McShea, Shack Almon, Wesley Sampson, Leonardo Casetta, Francisco Rodriguez, Carlos Lourenco, Jürgen Koller, Elizabeth Anne Scott, Dong Khac Cuong, Yoshihito Niimura, Torbjoern Brenna, Ryan Jackson, Andrea Gelmetti, Lasse, Theodosis Prousalis, Fernando Sánchez, Silvana Paredes, José González Molinero, Gary Barnett, Jonatas Müller, Nikhil Dhamapurkar, Gary Song, Jérôme-Olivier Billet, Jacqueline Slade, Warren Tang, Martin Tobias Lithner, Alex Stamatiades, Baku Saito, Kaloyan Kraev, Grant Meadors, Adam Robert Kowal, Darb, Ivan Yovev, Cui Bingyu, Patrick John Kreander, Jon Scharer, Eddie Sudzilovsky, Michael Baker, Andrew Aus, Martijn Tromm, Jingzhi Yang, Rodrigo Mate, Zhiyong Tu, Alexander Herkner, Hever Horacio Arreola Gutierrez, Brad Schmaltz, Akshay Goel, Sunder Rangarajan, Adílio Gomes da Silva, Wang Yue, Hiromitsu Tsugawa, Robert Rose-Coutré, Andreas Andersson, Ina Bendis, Jeffrey Rosenthal, Wang Yang, Brennan Martin, Shi Li, Victor Sanchez Martin, James Gordon, Sérgio Duarte da Silva, Jingbo Zhang, Miguel Angel Soto-Miranda, Clement M. Lee, Silvio Di Fabio, Nikolaos Ulysses Soulios, Yui Yamaguchi, Tom Högström, Kimmo Kostamo, Ryuta Arisaka, Ting Fu, Bo Østergaard Nielsen, John Argenti, laolu Osunbayo, George Walendowski, Andrew Rigg, Nguyen Thai Hoang, Wayne Cooper, Peter D Rogers, Jonas Hiller, Liu Jiapeng, José Zumaquero, Anja Jaenicke, [Omitted by request], Göran Åhlander, Louis Sauter, Kim Chow, Julio Machado, Claus-Dieter Volko, David B. Olson, Panagiotis Karabelas, Konstantinos Ntatsis, Nicolò Pezzuti, Konstantinos Kolokotronis, Arjan van Essen, George Ch. Petasis, Yuki Yamanaka, Jonathan Englert, Igor Dorfman, Vicente Lopez Pena, Paul Merino, Ivan Rasic, Erik Hæreid, Kei Suzuki, Raymond Mulvey, Iakovos Koukas, Kamil Tront, Romeo Cairme, Jr., Dalibor Marinčić, Theo Leworthy, Victor Hingsberg, Johnathan Machler, Alexandru Georgescu, Gareth Rees, Burkan Bereketoğlu, Noriyuki Sakurai, Jeremy Buras, John Kaspo, Jakub Oblizajek, Alican Yavuz, Dimitrios Sourlas, Charles Rykken, James McBeath, Thom Devine, Woo Chun Onn, Mohd  Faizal Bin Azman, Lukáš Puškáš, Vsileios Nikolousis, Filippo de Donatis, Sai Praveen Srinivasan, Andre Gangvik, Måns Kämpe, Emmanuel F., Trevor Simpson, Frederick Goertz, Alessandro Campana, Alessia Iancarelli, Ujjwal Dey, Jérôme Kelber, Rabi Rashmi Roy, Samyak Shrestha,  Daniel Fourie, John Zadeh, Simon Chatzigiannis, Jung-su Yi, Robert T. Bucci Jr., Niko Vilhunen, Taher Hansen, Sung-jin, Kim, Michael D. Mehlman, Saif Lalani, Antonio Fortunato, Andreas Olausson, Marcus Olander, Lee Sunggil, Gabriel Garofal, Seiryu Yamane, Hiroki Fujiwara, Kim Jin Seok, Logan Smith, Ed Fernandez, Christopher Angus, Joachim Lahav, Yuhui Sun, Chuanchuan Li, Bruce Nye, Javier Río Santos, Dionysios Maroudas, Rodrigo Cerqueira Cunha, Altuğ Alkan, Shota Miura, Igor Bogdanic, Waichiro Horiuchi, WeiJie Wang, Zhang Yang, Koyo Yoshihara, Soojung Bae, Ashraya Ananthanarayanan, Elcon Fleur, Taemin Song, Naoki Kouda, Guocheng Wu, Richard Sheen, Jan Claes, Natalie de Clare, Kathy A Kendrick, Nobuya Nakagawa, Sam Thompson, Stefano Pierazzoli, Kaishi Terashima, Shuji Yamada, Anders Hellström, Yun Dong Yeo, Makoto Takenaka, Naomi Takenaka, Wang Zhangyuan, Federico Calarco, Daisuke Fujimori, Kenzou Oohashi, William J. Novalany, Steven Grieco, Haoran Zhang, Giulio Cosio, Edison Yin, Oscar Holtner, Jiwhan Park, Luca Fiorani, Naoki Kawabe, Danfei Gu, Hanane Benfreha, Takahiko Kei, DongSu Kim, Kazuhiko Watanabe, Tomohiko Nakamura, Mikihiko Fukunaga, Maciek Matys, Stergios Protogerou, David Espinoza, Keith Blanton, Niels Ellevang, Yuri Matsuo (Hosaka), Akinori Oomoto, Gheorghe Alin Petre, Xiaoming Cai, Chihiro Hamazaki, Fernando Pardo, Alessandro Canzonieri, Hua Weixiang, Shenglei Chen, Iwane Hiroyuki, Johan Kennebjörk, Takashi Egawano, Georgios Kyriakakis, Fabio Castagna, Gildas Sidobre, Qiwei Qin, Roberto Giammattei, Hidenori Ohnishi, Alexi Edin, Valeria Chiara Lanari, Kiyoshi Sasamoto, Takayuki Hiraga, Satoshi Aoki, Ryo Kawai, Konstantinos Vlachopoulos, Rafael Parrilla Blanco, Francesco Carlomagno, Satoki Tsuji, Jaidip Singh Chauhan, Shinobu Kakimoto, Noah, Kyung Suk Min, Arturo Escorza Pedraza, Wakamatsu Tomohiro, Taisuke Uchida, Christopher Travis Park, Veronica Palladino, Yohei Furutono, Hong xu Zhu, Suei Ting Jhao, Terence P Blackburn, Shojun Yamazaki, Tetsuhito Karasumaru, Song Yuan Zhuang, Anthony Brown, Lorenzo Malica, Sao Yoma, Wong Tai Wai, Xu Chen, Andrea Dalboni, Zhengxinxin, Mark Strobl, Denis Manuel Walch, Ensong Zhang, Bryne Tan, Kenjirou Uesaka (kamisaka), Masahiko Okamoto, Michinori Ando, Marios Prodromou, Yushi Iwai, Anshika Ashok Verma, Tsukimi Yuki, Chiho Jimba, Kounosuke Oisaki, Chihiro Takeuchi, Jewoong Moon, Kentaro Takiguchi, Ziyuan Wang, Joe Bolognese, Ryuichi Onuki, Christian Sorensen, Akihiro Yamada, Annelie Oliver, Jiahao Wang, Jo Christopher M. Resquites, Yukun Wang, Nicos Gerasimou, Alessandro Zerillo, Weng Yang, Joseph Hayes, Jinhua Ren, Huanyun Chen, ZhongLin Leo, Ryoji Tanaka, Hiroki Hirabayashi, Thomas J Hally, Tin Chun Bun, David Kelly, Junxi Niu, Akitomo Kibihara, Byunghyun Ban, Junshuo Chang, Wang Yang, Deng Yue, Qichen Huang, Zhang Wenxuan, Shaopin Wang, Takumi Omote, Masashi Asano, Aníbal Sánchez Numa, Wing Yuk Wong, Maximilian-Andrei Druta, Tatsuki Chiba, Yaoita Kento, Yingyi Ding, Nitish Joshi, Hiroki Kaya, Kenta Onoda, Sheng Hu, Akira Miyamoto, Silva Huang, Ritoprovo Roy, Lee Junho, Genki Sugiura, Wei Lai, Maki Hashida, Koji Takahashi, Hiroyuki Shigeta, Keigo Morishita, Tatsuhiko Ogata, Masumi Kawauchi, Carlo Maina, Nam Kyu Ha, Koki Morioka, Toshihiro Kawasaki, Frank Aiello, Zhuohao Yuan, Jonas Haas, Yao Xu, James Dorsey, James Richard Lorrimore, Barry Beanland, Yu Lin Lu, Gaetano Morelli, Nikolai von Boetticher, Eugene Kim, and Jeffery Lee Humphrey.

Also, there are  a smaller number of subscribers including Leonardo Gomes, Stanislav Hatala, Guner Rodop, Phil Randolph, Bruno Alessi, Jeremy Whitley, Michael Fassbender, Kelly Dorsett, Alan Wong, Ingerid Annette Huseby, Matthew Campbell, David Coldwell, David Testerini, Robert Blais, Neoclis Neocleous, Lars Lowe Sjösund, L. Lin Ong, Shawn Clinton, Miguel Castro, Christian Sohl, Andreas Sjöstrand, Shailendu Shroff, Kai Verh, Jim Calkins, Samantha Hamblin, Shaun Sullivan, Eric Stillwachs, Alisa Meesomboon, Michael Tedja, Cedric Johnson, Steve Sunabacka, Julia Zuber, Richard Cadle, Omar Abdallah, Jean Bai, Drew Sanner, James Marshall, Tayo Sandono, Scott Silveria, Nomar Alexander Norono, Rodríguez, Henning Droege, William Heacock, Nuno Jorge Mesquita Baptista, Mike Tarnower, Lim Surya Tjahyadi, Jonathan Childers, Tonny Sellén, John Thomas McGuire, Shailaja Suresh, Chaena Lee, Therese Waneck, Jaegyeong Park, Mathias Dedic, Daisuke Inami, Sajan Bhaskaran Nair, Zhang Shijian, Sudarshan Murthy, Masao Shimada, Layne Walton, Teruyuki Mochizuki, Wang Ziyu, Sriram Balasuramanian, and Baosong Chen.

[2] The stipulated members from the website as follows: President: Andrew Aus (ENG), Membership Officer: Erdem Yilmaz (TUR), Vice-Membership Officers: Michael Baker (USA) and Phil Elauria (USA), Honorary Members: Martin Tobias Lithner (SWE), Brennan Martin (NZE), Mislav Predavec (CRO), Marco Ripà (ITA), and Evangelos Katsioulis (GRE), Full Members: Fernando Barbosa Neto (BRA), Adam Kisby (USA), Paul J. Edgeworth (USA), Michael Baker (USA), Nikhil Dhamapurkar (IND), Zachary Timmons (CAN), Gerasimos Politis (GRE), Pamela Staschik-Neumann (GER), Joshua Sparks (USA), José González Molinero (SPA), Deron K. Holmes (USA), Jonatas Müller (BRA), Brendan Harris (CAN), Thiago Cruz Silva (BRA), Giulio Zambon (ITA), Leif E. Agesen (NOR), Giorgio Milani (ITA), Phil Elauria (USA), Armin Becker (GER), Marios Prodromou (CYP), Yusaku Hori (HKG), Rudolf Trubba (CZR), Edmund James Koundakjian (USA), Jon Scott Scharer (USA), Francisco Rodriguez (HON), Yoshiyuki Shimizu (JAP), Gary Song (CAN), Alexander Herkner (GER), Paul Laurent Miranda (SPA), Guillaume Chanteloup (FRA), George Stoios (GRE), Lim Surya Tjahyadi (INA), Juan Gonzalez Liebana (SPA), Erdem Yilmaz (TUR), Hever Horacio Arreola Gutierrez (MEX), Ron Winrick (USA), Torbjorn Brenna (NOR), Ken Jarlen Olsen (NOR), Aaron Ellison (USA), Kyodou Lee (CHN), Gaetano Morelli (ITA), Sunder Rangarajan (IND), Bowen Wang (CHN), James Richard Lorrimore (UNK), Willian Talvane Arestides Ferreira da Silva (BRA), Yu Lin Lu (TWN), Jarl Victor Bjorgan (NOR), Vjeran Misic (B&H), Joseph Anthony Tomlinson (USA), Christine Van Ngoc Ty (FRA), Ryoji Honda (JAP), Jadesom Leonardo Haenich (BRA), Igor Dorfman (ISR), Graham Powell (ITA), Ting Fu (CHN), Solomos Nikolaos (GRE),  Beau Clemmons (FRA), Barry Beanland (DUB), John Argenti (USA), Nicolò Pezzuti (ITA), George J. Walendowski (USA), Nuno Norte de Sousa Silva (POR), Ole Mose (DEN), Martijn Tromm (NLD), and Jorge Del Fresno Viejo (SPA), Prospective Members: Aman Bagaria (IND), Constantí Cabestany (SPA), Nomar Alexander Norono Rodríguez (VEN), Andrea Toffoli (ITA), Lena Carlota Ruiz (CAN), Julia Zuber (GER), Subscribers: Nuno Jorge Mesquita Baptista (POR), and Nathália Geraldo (BRA).

[3] The Full Members List constitutes 130 members with hidden members removed with a rarity of 1/5,443 per member: Adrian Wojcik, A. G. Gonzàlez, Alessandro Campana, Alessandro Caruso, Alessandro Guardascione, Alexandru Georgescu, Andrea Casanova, Andrea Casolari, Andrea Dalboni, Andrea Gelmetti, Andrea Forti, Andrés Robles Jimenez, Andrew Aus, Anthony Brown, Antonio Del Maestro, Arne Andre Gangvik, Arturo Escorza Pedraza, Bernhard Junker, Christian Sorensen Feliu, Christine VNT, Claus-Dieter Volko, Dalibor Marincic, Daming Gao, Dan-Yang Sun, Deron K. Holmes, Didier Jeandrevin, Didier Jacquet, Dionysios Maroudas, Donatello Puliatti, Edoardo Perrone, Eirini Skliva, Emmanuel F., Enrico Rossetto, Enrico Strona, Eric Salinas Garcia, Erik Haereid, Evangelos Katsioulis, Fernando Barbosa Neto, Filip de Meulenaere, Filippo de Donatis, Francesco Concas, Francisco A. Retamal Reinoso, Frederick Goertz, Gabriel Garofalo, Gabriele Tessaro, Gaetano Morelli, Gary Song, Gaspare Delle Fave, George Ch. Petasis, Gerasimos Politis, Gianluigi Lombardi, Gianmaria Ruozi, Giulio Coci, Giuseppe Di Nunzio, Göran Åhlander, Hever H. Arreola Gutierrez, Iakovos Koukas, Ivan Ivec, Javier Rio Santos, Jawdat Wehbe Wehbe, Jiseong Kim, Jo Christopher M. Resquites, John Argenti, José Gonzalez Molinero, Juan Gonzalez Liebana, Juho Karenlampi, Kamil Tront, Keni Gripshi, Klemens Großmann, Kota Akishige, Liu Jianpeng, Lorenzo Malica, Luca Codeluppi, Luca Farinelli, Luca Fiorani, Manahel Thabet, Marc-André Nydegger, Marco Ripà, Marios B. Prodromou, Mattia Pedota, Michael Baker, Jr., Michele Sergi, Miroslav Radojevic, Nicholas Hadjiyiannis, Nicola di Bona, Nicolò Pezzuti, Nikolai von Boetticher, Nikolaos Soulios, Pamela Staschik-Neumann, Paul Laurent, Pietro Ferraro, Raymond Walbrecq, Ricardo Rossello, Rick Farrar, Roberto Enea, Roberto Farah, Roberto Mattei, Roberto Stella, Rudolf Trubba, Samyak Shrestha, Sandra Schlick, Shenglei Chen, Simone Mazzoccoli, Simon Olling Rebsdorf, Sriram Balasubramanian, Stanislav Riha, Stefano Pierazzoli, Steffen Bode, Stephan Wagner Damianowitsch, Sudharshan Moorthy, Takatsugu Muroya, Thomas Fishbeck, Tim Roberts, Tomohiko Nakamura, Torbjorn Brenna, Valeria Chiara Lanari, Valerio Stancanelli, Varidh Katiyar, Vasileios Nikolousis, Victor D. Sanchez Martin, Vincenzo Iovino, Watcharaphol Chitvattanawong, WeJie Wang, Yaniv Hozez, Yan Leduc-Chun, Yao Xu, Yohei Furutono, YoungHoon Kim, Yui Yamaguchi, Zhang Yang, and ZhiHang Li.

The Prospective Members Listing is a rarity of 1/70 people with 85 members where the hidden members have been removed: Alessandro Canzonieri, Alessandro Pacitto, Alessia Iancarelli, Alexander Herkner, Alican Yavuz, Andrea Tesone, Andrea Toffoli, Andrew Hayles, Annelie Oliver, Barry Beanland, Beau Clemmons, Burkan Bereketoglu, Cesare Mazzaferro, Christopher Angus, Chiang Li Ching, Cindy Smith, Clifton Palmer McLendon, Constantì Cabestany Monge, Corinna Mazzillo, Donato Stolfa, Emanuele Gianmaria Possevini, Fabrizio Bertini, Fabrizio Fadini, Fatih Kiratli, Ferran Pericay Turnes, Flavio Furlan, Gabriele Nunnari, Gianmarco Bartellone, Giorgio Poli, Gregor Carter, Gyuri Kim, Hiromitsu Tsugawa, Hyunsik Matthew Cho, Ivan Siano, Jakub Oblizajek, Jaysal Bhatt, Jeremy Christian Buras, Jewoong Moon, Jihwan Han, Jin Young Park, Johnathan Machler, José Gutierrez Sáez, Juha Starck, Jung-su Yi, Juwone M. Gim, Karim Serraj, Kei Suzuki, Kim Chow, Landon Tyler Bennett, Leonardo Caregnato, Lorenzo Buschi, Martina Bonciani, Masaaki Yamauchi, Massimo Caliaro, Michela Fadini, Michele Tedesco, Mike D., Miriana Lallo, M. K. Benazzi Jabri, Moreno Casalegno, Nicos Gerasimou, Nomar A. Norono R., Norberto Costa, Noriyuki Sakurai, Nuno Silva, Okay Karakas, Roberto A. Rodriguez, Roberto Canino, Romeo Cairme, Jr., Ronen Sabo, Rosario Alessio Ronca, R. K., Savvas Tsigas, Simone Forchiassin, Sung-Jin Kim, Teresa Denora, Therese Waneck, Tim Griffith, Troitsky Nemovich, Vincenzo D’Onofrio, Vitaliano Di Grazia, William Smith, and Yu-Lin Lu.

[4] Its membership listing as follows: Don Stoner, Genius Society, The Mind Society,, Guilherme M. S. Silva, Chris Eichenberger,, Stevan Damjanovic, Victor Lestat, Richard May, Kevin Langdon, Dallayce Bright, John C. Fila, Ph.D., Patrick J. Maitland, Thomas R. Caulfield, Jr., Terry Stickels, Adam Kisby, Dany Provost, Jyrki Leskelä, Richard M Riss, Bruno Alpi, Andreas Albihn, Jan Antusch, Kenneth E. Ferrell, Dan Hogan, Jeff Christopher Leonard, Brennan Martin, Ron Padova, Martin Tobias Lithner, and Thomas Imondi.

[5] Its members listing as follows: 01. Dr Evangelos Katsioulis, MD, MA, MSc, PhD, 02. Bart Miles, 03. Laura N. Kochen, 04. Andy Wininger, 05. Jean-Eric Pacaud, 06. Thomas A. Smith Jr., 07. L. K., 08. Thomas B., 09. Andrzej Figurski, 10. André Valentic, 11. J. W., 12. M. T., 13. Ira Gibson, 14. George Ch. Petasis, 15. Alexandre Prata Maluf R.I.P., 16. Stephan Wagner Damianowitsch, 17. Mateusz Kurcewicz, 18. Tan Kaijie, 19. Alberto Matera, 20. Marcus Voyer, 21. D. X. J., 22. Anonymous H22, 23. Jason Young, 24. Joseph Tomlinson, 25. Michael Rönnlund, 26. Muhammad Faisal Tajir (prospective member), 27. Jonas Högberg, 28. Djordje Rancic, 29. Marc-André Groulx, 30. Robert Brizel, 31. F. S., 32. Henrik Eriksson, 33. Marc Heremans, 34. David Bergman, 35. Arne Blak, 36. Steve Schuessler, 37. Thomas Hallgren, 38. Maria Casillas, 39. A. F., 40. Jan Willem Versluis, 41. D.T., Ph.D., 42. Bruno Alpi, 43. Francisco Javier Guerra Prieto, 44. Dr Jason Betts, 45. Rudolf Trubba, 46. Hever Horacio Arrreola Gutierrez, 47. Wayne Zhang, 48. Chris Harding, 49. Santanu Sengupta, 50. Brendan Harris, 51. Didier Jacquet, 52. Martin Tobias Lithner, 53. G. U. L., 54. Jean-Loup Agache, 55. Marios Prodromou, 56. Yoshiyuki Shimizu, 57. Rodrigo Erazo Hermosilla, 58. Miguel Angel Soto-Miranda, M.D., 59. Anonymous H59, 60. Dong Khac Cuong, 61. Eduardo C. da Costa, 62. Jan Antusch, 63. Eva, 64. Wang Peng, 65. Bertrand Frederic Evertz, 66. Bernhard Junker, 67. Yan Detao, 68. Anonymous 30, 69. Minjae Kwon,70. Ruediger Ebendt, 71. Afsin Saltik, 72. Liu Jiapeng, 73. Satoki Takeichi, 74. Tadayuki Konno, 75. John Argenti, 76. Jiseong Kim, 77. Xu Hanwen, 78. Kila Lau, 79. Chen Jingjing, 80. Anonymous 34, 81. Erik Hæreid, 82. Thomas W. Chittenden, PhD, DPhil, 83. Dr Manahel Thabet, PhD, 84. Zhongzhen Wu, 85. Sherwyn Sarabi, 86. Noriyuki Sakurai, 87. Jaime, 88. Erikson dos Santos, 89. Anonymous H89, 90. Sandro Zanin, 91. Dario C, 92. Jung-su Yi, 93. Anonymous H93, 94. Anonymous H94, 95. Youngjin Kim, 96. S. B., 97. William Michael Fightmaster, 98. Jinsung Kim, 99. Yi Junho, 100. JooYoung Kim, 101. Gabriele Tessaro, 102. Frederick Goertz, 103. Gabriel Garofalo, 104. Nikolaos Katevas MDs, BSc, MSc, PhDc, 105. Naoya Kitano, 106. Gaetano Morelli, 107. WenGao Ye, 108. Wittawas Ratchatajai, 109. Anonymous H109, 110. Cho Sanghyun, 111. Bae Gibeom, 112. Seung-Su Lee, 113. YoungHoon Bryan Kim (김영훈), 114. Hiroki Tsubooka, 115. Haakon Mathias Dedic, 116. Anonymous H116, 117. Anonymous H117, 118. Lu Junhong (卢俊宏), 119. Moto Kobayashi, 120. Waichiro Horiuchi, 121. Anonymous H.121, 122. Xie Yanxi, 123. Anonymous H123, 124. Masahiro Nishimura, 125. Ryo Taniguchi, 126. Koyo Yoshihara, 127. Anonymous H127, 128. Dao Thanh Chung, 129. Tetsukimi Brian Beppu, 130. Ryo Matsui, 131. Motohiro Goto, 132. Zhong Jinshuo, 133. Qin Bin, 134. Nobuo Yamashita, 135. Jeongtae Kim (김정태), 136. Robin Spivey, 137. Yoshitake Yamamoto (山本 祥武), 138. Mario Angelelli, 139. Yu Wakabayashi (若林友), 140. Sawayanagi Yosirou, 141. Yoon Dong Yeo, 142. Sam Thompson, 143. Sadateru Tokumaru, 144. Makoto Takenaka (竹中 誠), 145. Daichi Hashimoto, 146. Yuxiang Dai (戴宇翔), 147. Mikihiko Fukunaga (福永幹彦), 148. Eri, 149. Hiroki Yoshizawa, 150. Keita Nakano (中野 恵太), 151. Roger Dagostin, 152. Hua Weixiang (华为翔), 153. Edison Yin, 154. Anonymous H154, 155. Gouichi Motoyoshi, 156. Shiroyuki Hori, 157. Onishi Yozo, 158. Morita Shiga (志賀 盛太), 159. Akihito Tanaka, 160. Liu Xin (刘欣), 161. Koichi Omura (大村 光一), 162. Weiming Xie, 163. Haoran Zhang, 164. Danfei Gu (顾单飞), 165. Anonymous H165, 166. Masanao Otaka, 167. Hiroshi Araki, 168. Dr. Soumei Baba, Ph.D., 169. Hiroaki Hatano, 170. Susumu Ota, 171. Kihiro Inno (印野 希宏), 172. Yuta Yamamoto, 173. Tomohito Yamada, 174. Takahiko Kei, 175. Koichiro Kimura, 176. Kanae Matsumoto(松本 香苗), 177. Naoki Kawabe (川辺直樹), 178. Yoshihisa Kimura, 179. Tomo Hirasawa (平澤 朝), 180. Gheorghe Alin Petre, 181. Naoto Tani, 182. Tatsuya Maruyama, 183. Marina Inamoto, 184. Kyoichi Yamanaka, 185. Takamitsu Endo (遠藤貴光), 186. Yuta Miyamoto, 187. Makoto Takahashi (高橋 誠), 188. Snježana Štefanić Hoefel, 189. Tomohiko Nakamura (中村 友彦), 190. Yukino Asayama (ユキノ アサヤマ), 191. Kuniho Takahashi, 192. Weida Feng (冯威达), 193. Keishi Ishii (石井啓嗣), 194. Andrea C., 195. Anonymous H195, 196. Rickard Sagirbey, 197. Shintaro Michi (道 慎太郎), 198. Ryota Yuasa, 199. Shino Sawai, 200. Kazuma Takaishi, 201. Shinji Morihiro, 202. Ryunosuke Nakamura, 203. Flaviano Cardella, 204. Christopher Garcia, 205. Yoshihiro Maki, 206. Hiroko Tanaka (田中裕子), 207. Takumi Kitajima, 208. Yuna Fumioka (文岡佑奈), 209. Yusuke Hayashi, 210. Naofumi Ohmura (おおむら なおふみ), 211. Lunavidere Yuki Tsukimi (月見裕貴), 212. Yohei Terashima, 213. Satoshi Aoki, MD, 214. Yoshihiro Seki ( 関 佳裕 ), 215. Kento Masuno, 216. Anonymous H.216, 217. Daiki Shuto (首藤 大貴), 218. Junlong Li (李俊龙), 219. Michio Oyama, 220. Hirofumi Ohta (大田 浩史), 221. Yohei Furutono, 222. Kohnoshin Miyajima, 223. HaYoung Jeong, 224. Shouchen Wang (王首辰), 225. Entemake Aman (阿曼), 226. Takashi Egawano, 227. Hiroyuki Kataoka, 228. Ogawa Yoshiyuki, 229. Shoya Taguchi (田口 将也), 230. Anonymous H230, 231. Masaharu Kurino, 232. Hayato Kusuno, 233. Naoki Tanaka, 234. Arata Osaki (尾﨑 新), 235. Kyung Min Kim, 236. Masao Shimada (島田マサオ), 237. Masahiko Kudo (工藤 昌彦), 238. Yosuke Ito, 239. Yuta Suzuki, 240. Satoshi Sakuma, 241. Yuki Suzuki, 242. Daniel Persson, 243. Adrian Wójcik, 244. Makoto Nishi, 245. Mitsutoshi Kiyono,  246. Shohei Nagayama, 247. Ngoc Minh Nguyen, 248. Hong Jin, 249. Kotaro Narita (成田 幸太郎), 250. Kazuya Maeda (前田 一弥), 251. Takashi Imahiro, 252. Tiberiu Nicolas Sammak, 253. Anonymous H.253, 254. Cristian Birlea, 255. Noah (のあち), 256. Ryota Abe (阿部 涼太), 257. Takayuki Okazaki, MD, PhD, 258. Ayaka (朱花), 259. C. D., 260. Watcharaphol Chitvattanawong (วัชรพล ชิตวัฒนวงษ์), 261. M. S., 262. Anonymous H.262, 263. Saori.Y, 264. Ryuichi Sameshima (隆一 鮫島), 265. Yuze Chen, 266. Vikramdip SIngh Chauhan, 267. Naoki Kouda, 268. Serge Korovitsyn, 269. Tetsuhito Karasumaru, 270. Huiquan Liu (刘慧泉), 271. Mitsumasa Okamoto, 272. Dr Yatima Kagurazaka, MD (やちま), 273. Aki Okabayashi M.D., 274. Michael Lunardini, 275. Yukihiro Takahashi (Lotta), 276. Anthony Brown, 277. Shinichiro Ishii, 278. Y Hamaguchi, 279. Yusaku Matsuda, 280. Kodai Minami, 281. Stian Eiesland, 282. Nozomu Kimura, 283. Katsumi Takahashi, 284. ZhiHang Li, 285. K. Suto, 286. Suyeong Lee (이수영), 287. Kamil Tront, 288. Ivan Yovev, 289. Kohei Tsutsumi (堤 昂平), 290. Hiroki Onodera, 291. Kazusa Shobu, 292. Kevin Wang (王凯文), 293. Chan-Young Hong (홍찬영), 294. Nicola Di Bona, 295. Toshizou Horii, 296. Anonymous H.296, 297. Anonymous H.297,  298. Leszek Mazurek, 299. Takao Shiotsuki (塩月崇雄), 300. Jin Nozawa, 301. Kounosuke Oisaki (生長 幸之助), 302. Anonymous H.302, 303. Jewoong Moon, 304. Yukun Wang (王宇坤), 305. Wu Siqian, 306. Mizuki Ejiri (エジリミズキ), 307. Go Tanuma (田沼 豪), 308. Shuichi Watanabe, 309. Narise Saara, 310. Kazuma Matsudo, 311. Kota Akishige, 312. Makoto Hida, 313. Moe Uchiike, 314. Kento Yaoita, 315. Ryoji Tanaka (田中 良治), 316. Takayuki Inada (稲田 喬之), 317. Tin Chun Bun (田俊彬), 318. Zhang Wenxuan(章文暄), 319. Benoit D., 320. Satoki Sugiyama (杉山怜希), 321. Dae Galjangguun, 322. Chihiro Nishiyama (西山 千尋), 323. Kohei Kikuchi, 324. Masakaze Mizutani (水谷 優風), and 325. Håkon Rosén, 326. b 327. Kazuki Maeda, 328. Shuji Kikuchi, and 329. Jiaxin Kowk.

[6] Its listed past presidents, past editors, past internet officers, past treasurers, past membership officers, past ombudsmen, and appointed positions as follows:

Past Presidents

RONALD K. HOEFLIN, PHD (Founder) | May 84 – Jul 84

JEFFREY WARD | Jul 84 – Aug 87

PATRICK HILL | Aug 87 – Feb 88

DAVID WYMAN | Feb 88 – Feb 90

GRADY TOWERS | Feb 90 – Apr 90

RICHARD MAY | Apr 90 – Oct 98

FRED VAUGHAN | Oct 98 – Feb 99

FREDRIK ULLEN, PHD | Feb 99 – Apr 01

STEVE SCHUESSLER | Apr 01 – Mar 03

FRED BRITTON | Mar 03 – Oct 17 *

KARYN HUNTTING PETERS | Sep 16 – Oct 17 **

KARYN HUNTTING PETERS | Oct 17 – Mar 18 **


* Britton on sabbatical Sep 2016 – Oct 2017; resigned Oct 2017

** Acting while Britton on sabbatical Sep 2016 – Oct 2017

*** Resigned without completing term in Nov 2019

Past Editors

RICHARD MAY | May 84 – Jul 84

GREGORY SCOTT | Jul 84 – Apr 85

ANTON ANDERSSEN, JD | Apr 85 – Apr 89

ROBERT DICK | May 89 – Jan 90

GRADY M. TOWERS | Jan 90 – Apr 91

ROBERT DICK | Apr 91 – Jun 91

MONTY C. WALKER | Jun 91 – May 93

ROBERT DICK & DAN BARKER | May 93 – Sep 94

ROBERT DICK | Sep 94 – Aug 96

FRED VAUGHAN | Aug 96 – Jun 99

JAMES C. HARBECK | Jun 99 – Apr 01

MICHAEL CORRADO | Apr 01 – Mar 02

FRED VAUGHAN | Mar 02 | Feb 05

VACANT | Feb 05 – Oct 06

STEVAN DAMJANOVIC | Oct 06 – Sep 08 (Guest Editor) *

VACANT | Sep 08 – Jan 09

GREG DECUBELLIS | Jan 09 – May 11

VACANT | May 11 – Aug 12

DAN HOGAN | Aug 12 – Jun 14

KARYN HUNTTING PETERS | Jun 14 – Oct 17 **

ANDREW CLARK | Oct 16 – Mar 18 (Acting) ***

ANDREW CLARK | Mar 18 – Apr 19 ****

* Indicates a non-Member holding the position of Editor/Officer

** Appointed by Britton to fill vacant position

*** On becoming Acting President, Peters appointed Clark as Acting Editor

**** Resigned without completing term in Apr 2019

Past Internet Officers

FRED VAUGHAN | Nov 96 – Nov 99

FREDRIK ULLEN, PHD | Jan 99 – Mar 99

STEVE SCHUESSLER | Mar 99 – Apr 01

Past Treasurers

GREGORY SCOTT | May 84 – Aug 84

GARY R. BRYANT | Aug 84 – Jan 86

RICHARD ADAMS | Jan 86 – Nov 87

JALON LEACH | Nov 87 – Aug 96

BARRY KINGTON | Aug 96 – Oct 97

FRED BRITTON | Oct 97 – Mar 03

Past Membership Officers

ROBERT DICK, PHD | May 84 – Feb 99

GINA LOSASSO, PHD | Feb 99 – Nov 99

BILL MCGAUGH | Nov 99 – Apr 01

ALFRED SIMPSON | Apr 01 – Mar 18

Past Ombudsmen

RICHARD MAY | Aug 84 – Dec 94

HAROLD NICKEL | Dec 94 – Nov 97

GUY FOGLEMAN | Nov 97 – Dec 99

VACANT | Dec 99 – Jan 00

JOHN D. MARTINEZ | Jan 00 – Jan 01

JEFF PLEW, MD | Jan 01 – Mar 03

JOHN C. FILA, PHD | Mar 03 – Jun 14

MACO STEWART | Jun 14 – Mar 18

Appointed Positions

MACO STEWART & THOMAS BAUMER | Co-chairs, Membership Committee

[7] Its membership list as follows: Hindemburg Melão Jr., Petri Widsten, Alexandre Prata Maluf, Rauno Lindström, Peter David Bentley, Bart Lindekens, Joachim Lahav, Marc Heremans, Staffan Svensson, Will Fletcher, Marko Korkea-Aho, Kevin Yip, Kristian Heide, Patrick Allain, Muhamed Veletanlic, Albert Frank, Enrico di Bari, Richard Crago, José Antonio Francisco, Brian Daniel Appelbe, Reinhard Matuschka, Emilio López Aliaga, Donald A. Martin Jr., Gustavo Marcel Borges Monzon, Daniel Lapointe, Herbert Kimura, Tetsuji Nishikura, Mikael Andersson, Marc Fauvel, Christian Hohenstein, Anton Dilo, Dieter Wolfgang Matuschek, Darko Djurdjic, Guilherme Marques dos Santos Silva, Lloyd King, Juha Varis, Ulf Westerlund, and Marcelo Penido Ferreira da Silva.

[8] Its 80 members listed as follows: Glenn Alden (NOR), Takeshi Amagi (JPN), John Argenti (USA), Andrew Aus (UK), Gi Beom Bae (KOR), Michael Baker (USA), Cedric Bernadac (FRA), Jérôme-Olivier Billet (FRA), Li Bingming (CHN), Torbjörn Brenna (NOR), Tomasz Bucki (POL), Dario C. (ITA), Frandix Chun Him Chan (HKG), Christoffer Collin (SWE), Eduardo Correa da Costa (BRA), Eugenio Correnti (FRA), Milan Čebedžić (SRB), Jesmond Debono (MLT), Giuseppe Di Nunzio (ITA), Vincenzo D´Onofrio (ITA), Ladislav Dubravský (SVK), Rüdiger Ebendt (GER), Paul J. Edgeworth (USA), John Fahy (USA), Kenneth E. Ferrell (USA), Marin Filiniæ (CRO), Frederick Goertz (USA), James Huntley Gordon (USA), Erik Hæreid (NOR), Heo Hoon (KOR), Yusaku Hori (HKG), Leon Hostetler (USA), Ivan Ivec (CRO), Liu Jiapeng (CHN), Yi Junho (KOR), Bernhard Junker (GER), Adam Kisby (USA), Iakovos Koukas (GRE), Vasyl Kovalchuk (UKR), Domagoj Kutle (CRO), Tomas Lagerberg (SWE), Jeff Christopher Leonard (USA), Jim Lorrimore (UK), Johan T Lindén (SWE), Patrick J. Maitland (AUS), Stefan Majoran (SWE), Dalibor Marinèiæ (BIH), Paul Laurent Miranda (ESP), Jose Gonzalez Molinero (ESP), Tomohiko Nakamura (JPN), Caspar Nijhuis (NED), Gaetano Morelli (ITA), Marc Andre Nydegger (SUI), Jakub Nowak (POL), Konstantinos Ntalachanis (GRE), Shinji Okazaki (JPN), Papageorgiou Pantelis (GRE), Thalis Papakonstantinou (GRE), Chris Park (USA), Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa (MEX), Nicoló Pezzuti (ITA), Nikola Poljak (CRO), Mislav Predavec (CRO), Marios Prodromou (GRE), Theodosis Prousalis (GRE), Denis Queno (FRA), Caner SaKar (GER), David James Smith (USA), Moon Seong Soo (KOR), Dong-Su Ryu (KOR), Franco Sent (MLT), Charles Schatz (SUI), Santanu Sengupta (IND), Jorge Antonio Sosa Huapaya (PER), Satoki Takeichi (JPN), Gabriele Tessaro (ITA), Joseph Tomlinson (USA), George Walendowski (USA), Yui Yamaguchi (JPN), and Wayne Zhang (CHN).

[9] Some of its listed members and qualifiers, and/or contributors (running back to early 2000s) to Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society, Circle, Titania, and Titanic in the past several years include Werner Couwenbergh, Marcel Feenstra, YoungHoon Kim, Kevin Langdon, Richard May or “May Tzu,” Daniel Shea, Jeff Ward, Rick Rosner, Ken Shea, Mark Kantrowitz, Chris Cole, Marilyn vos Savant, John H. Sununu, (the late) Solomon W. Golomb, Brian Wiksell, Chuck Sher, David Seaborg, Kevin Kihn, Jeffrey Matucha, James Kulacz, Jadzia Bashir, Tal Brooke, Rex Hubbard, Ray Faraday Nelson, Andrew Beckwith, Sam Thompson, Ruediger Ebendt, Carl Masthay, David Minster, Miriam Berg, Darien De Lu, Howard Schwartz, Jay Wiseman, Marcel Feenstra, Ron Yannone/Ronald M. Yannone, Wallace (Dusty) Rhodes/Wallace Rhodes, Bob Griffths, Richard Badke, Tal Brooke, Richard Ruquist, Charles Schwartz, Garth Zietsman, Michael Edward McNeil, R. Fred Vaughan, Patt Wilson McDaniel, Brian Schwartz, Chris Harding, Joseph Chieffo, Albert Clawson, Dale Adams, Tom Hutton, Rev. Dr. George Byron Koch, Ian Williams Goddard/Ian Goddard, Frank Nemec, Daniel Heyer, Robert Dick, Karyn Huntting Peters, A.W. Beckwith, Valerie Zukowski, Michael C. Price, Glenn Morrison, Glen Wooten, Edward O. Thorp, Lenore Langdon, Nicholas C. Hlobeczy, John Ostendorf, Dean Inada, Christopher Harding, Lee, Charles W. Trigg, Joe Griffith, Myrna Reid Grant, GFS, NPR, Fred Metcalf, Paavo Airola, David Niven, John Burrows, Joe Griffith, Eugene Jackson and Adolph Geiger, Alfred S. Posamentier and Ingmar Lehmann, Ed Harshman, Des MacHale, Paul Sloane, Dai Takeuchi, Linda S. Gottfredson, Neil J. A. Sloane, John J. Watkins, Nancy Melucci, Marcus Hanke, N. E. Genge, Joe Griffith, Rand Lewis, Arthur S. Hulnick and Oleg Kalugin, Stephen J. Spignesi, Joey Green, Laura Bush, Nadya Labi, Jill Perry (Caltech Media Relations), Robert W. Allen, Lorne Greene, and George Henry Moulds, Patric Hadenius, Betsy Hills Bush, Rhonda Hillbery, James Bamford, Don C. Johnson, Ellen Simon, Don Walsh, Bryan Curtis, Michael Holt, H.W. Corley, J. R. O’Neil, Michael Erard, Holbrook L. Horton, Lewis R. Aiken, Jean Kumagai, Jim DeBrosse, Colin Burke, Ron Knott, Gerald E. Bergum, David von Drehle, Layman E. Allen, Russell Ash, Joseph S. Madachy, Albert Frank, Mac Anderson, Rob Fess, Jerzy Luberda, Yaron Givli, Bill Corley, Miodrag Petkovic, Eugene Ehrlich, Albert Frank, Brian Schwartz, Chris Langan, Jeffry R. Fisher and Karen Ferrara, Nikos Lygeros, Gary Sockut, Grady Tower, Jim Ferry, Mike Hess, Sol Waters, Charles Petrizzi, Charles Tart, Robert Low, Miriam Berg, Hank Pfeffer, Celia Joslyn, James Randi, Darryl Miyaguchi, Paul Cooijmans, Bob Park, Celia Manolesco, Paul Maxim, Cyril Edwards, Anthony Robinson, Ludmilla Stukalina, Melih Yalcinelli, Robert Hannon, William Sharp, Alan Aax, Peter Schmies, H. Scott Morris, Pete Pomfrit, LeRoy Kottke, D.H. Ratcliffe, Clive Price/Mike Price/ M. C. Price, Norman Hale, Marcel Feenstra, Kevin L. Schwartz, Philip Bloom, Geraldine Brady, Anthony J. Bruni, Chris Cole, Robert Dick, George Dicks, Eric Erlandson, Marcel Feenstra, James D. Hajicek, Ron Hoeflin, Kjeld Hvatum, Johan Oldhoff, A. Palmer, Dr. P. A. Pornfrit, Carl Porchey, Keith Raniere, Steve Sweeney, S. Woolsey, Jeff Wright, Carlos Biro, N. Harvey Lavery, Kevyn Vander Jeenius, Geraldine Brady, Robert D. Russell, Norman Hale, Carlos Biro, N. Harvey Lavery, Kevyn Vander Jeenius, Geraldine Brady, Robert D. Russell, Norman Hale, Jeffrey Wright, M.N. van der Riet, Ken Wood, Donald Scott, Marshall Fox, Daryl Inman, John Mathewson, Andrew Egendorf, Louis K. Acheson Jr., John McAdon, William H. Archer, H. Herbert Taylor, Johannes D. Veldhuis, H. W. “Bill” Corley, Arval Bohn, Donald E. Frank, Hughes Gervais, Dirk E. Skinner, Donald Scott, Ferris Alger, Carl J. Porchey, Cedric Stratton, ‘James Tetazoo,’ Phillip Bloom, Avrom A. Rosen, John Springfield, Stefan Giesecke, Ray Wise, Karl G. Wikman, Edgar M. Van Vleck, Avrom A. Rosen, William I. Hacker, William Sharp, Steve Hoberman, A. Palmer, Willy W. van Roosbroeck, Steve Sweeney, Peter Adrian Wone, William H. Archer, Jane Clifton, Bill Irvin, Grace LeMonds, Dean L. Moyer, Gina Kolata, Andy Soltis, Darlene Wade, Donald McFarlane/McFarlan, Roland S. Phelps, Robert D. Russell, Barry Kington, Eugene H. Primoff, Daniel L. Pratt, Marvin Lee, Gary H. Memovich, Joshua Taylor, Rush Eikine, Christine E. Splan, Uri Wilensky, Keith Andrew Tuson, Joseph O’Rourke, William Hacker, Leonard R. Weisberg, Sherry Haines, David W. Kelsey, Jane V. Clifton, Francis Simon, Ferris E. Alger, Laura van Arragon, Norris McWhirter, and others, probably, who I missed – with some as co-authors, article submitters, or letter writers to Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society, Circle, Titania, and Titanic (working with the resources available). Also, some organizations republished or published materials in there, too.

[10] Documentation and hyperlinks from the Mega Society website includes “A Short (and Bloody) History of the High-IQ Societies” (Darryl Miyaguchi), Judgment in The Mega Society v. Chris Langan (March 2003), and National Arbitration Forum Decision (ICANN arbitration, The Mega Society v. Dr. Gina Lynne LoSasso d/b/a Mega Foundation, January 2004) [Ed. Hyperlinks are active.].

[11] Omega Society’s listed members as follows: Adam Kisby, Angell O. de la Sierra, Brian M. Schwartz, Brian Wiksell, Dany Provost, David Michael Fabian, David Smith, John Fahy, Kemin Tsung, Patrick J. Maitland, Richard May, a.k.a. May-Tzu, Robert S. Munday, and Ken Shea.

Photo by Francisco Ghisletti on Unsplash


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