Sindh police kills Dr. Shahnawaz Kumbhar under false blasphemy charges

Sindh police kills doctor
Dr. Shahnawaz Kumbhar (Photo - X)

In a shocking incident that marks one of the darkest days in Sindh’s history, Dr. Shahnawaz Kumbhar, a physician accused of blasphemy, was killed while in police custody in Mirpurkhas. Contrary to the narrative that an enraged mob was responsible for his death, it has become clear that the Sindh Police orchestrated this tragedy, allowing a mob to burn his body afterwards.

In an alarming display of religious bigotry, the Sindh Police were celebrated by some community members, with flowers thrown at officers, including a grade 20 Deputy Inspector General (DIG). This grotesque celebration of violence reveals a deep-seated culture of impunity and complicity within the police force, the enforcers of a draconian agenda.

Dr. Kumbhar was accused of blasphemy over a social media post—a dangerous and increasingly common trend in Pakistan that is exploited to justify violence and extrajudicial killings.

Despite Dr. Kumbhar’s video clarification that his old social media account was no longer in use, he was tracked down, and his family members were reportedly detained to force his surrender. The heinous act reflects the disturbing reality in Islamic Republic. This incident bears the hallmark of the Pak military’s deep-rooted influence in such extrajudicial actions, using the police as pawns in their campaign of control and fear.

The World Sindhi Congress has strongly condemned this act, calling for an independent, international investigation into Dr. Kumbhar’s killing. The group’s demand underscores the reality that the Pak authorities, influenced by military power, cannot be trusted to impartially investigate the case.

The murder of Dr. Kumbhar, executed under the pretext of blasphemy, is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of persecution targeting minority communities in Pakistan. The Paki establishment exploits blasphemy allegations as a weapon to suppress minorities and justify violence against them. While minority groups face severe repercussions, those within the establishment turn a blind eye to the rampant desecration of mosques, Qurans and religious sanctity committed by their own goons and extremist elements.

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