Story of Ayumi is all set to create ripples around the NFT space

(Representative photo)
(Representative photo)

The impressive NFT project depicts the story of an orphan who unravels her story to the world. Story of Ayumi is one impressive NFT project set to make its debut shortly. It revolves around the story of an orphan who travels the world to understand her story. The project is backed by its powerful AI on the Ethereum Blockchain. This is perhaps one of the most impressive project to have stepped into the NFT space which has an engaging storyline attached to it with a host of spectacular features. With a host of interesting NFT projects being introduced, many enthusiasts have been joining the bandwagon to experience this new world. This is perhaps one of the best NFT projects to be introduced in recent times as it will disrupt the industry in a big way.

Story of Ayumi with a host of exciting features will take over the rest on its debut, as industry experts are confident of the impact it will make once it steps in. The creators have stepped into the NFT space looking at the popularity of NFT markets which has been on a rise, with its horizons expanding at fast pace. They have taken every minutest detail into consideration to churn out an interesting project which will sweep the NFT sphere off its feet. One of the team members associated with the project says, “Looking at the trade volume of NFTs which was around $40 billion last year, it is undoubtedly expected to grow to towering heights even more this year, reaching upto $70 billion. Introducing an NFT project that has potential will most certainly call for a long innings, the reason we have come up with Story of Ayumi, as it has a unique flavour in it which lacks in the recently launched NFT projects in the market.”

Story of Ayumi is the latest addition to the already glowing NFT space, the future of which looks bright as ever. Looking at the kind of buzz it has generated, industry experts are predicting that it will take over once the space once it is launched. The makers are also relying a lot on their community for governance as they are consulted on various decisions regarding their investment strategy which are laid in a systematic manner. They have built a strong foundation for their governance system which will work well in the future. There would be an additional offering in the form of merchandise with the launch of their games and the introduction of DAO. 

Stay updated with the latest news on Story of Ayumi via their Twitter @StoryOfAyumi.