Submissions Call: “In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal”


In an article last month, I examined the various publications available of some of the high-I.Q. societies. The result was a listing of longstanding high-I.Q. publications with others newer and published either irregularly or intermittently.

Regardless, the world of the highly intelligent has been an interesting journalistic research project for the last few years. The list of publications from the research were the following:

1. Mensa World Journal.

2. Thoth.

3. Telicom.

4. Vidya.

5. Leonardo.

6. Phenomenon.

7. Gift of Fire.

8. Noesis: The Journal of the Mega Society.

9. Deus VULT.

10. USIA Research Journal.

11. GENIUS: Proceedings and Publications of the GENIUS High IQ Network/GENIUS: Journal of the GENIUS High IQ Network.

As I hold ownership, editorial, writer, and contributor status for a variety of publications, with capacity depending on the outlet, I like looking at publications’ content, style, font, contributors, and the like. It’s fun. I like words

Now, since the high-I.Q. communities have been so nice to me, I figure a kindness in return seems worth it. For In-Sight Publishing’s main journal, or the main one, basically, off the ground while the others sit in limbo, In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal, I am inviting participation from those self-same communities.

So, kindly, I invite members of the high-I.Q. communities to submit materials as they deem fit for review. The details for this section of submissions; this is a call for submissions to Section B of the journal:

Submission Guidelines (B)


  • Contributor status access restricted to undergraduate students, graduate students, instructors, professors, and experts. Each submission considered on appropriateness of grammar and style, comprehensiveness, coherence, and originality of content.


  • Depending on the issue, the accepted submissions consists of articles, book reviews, commentaries, poetry, prose, and art.


  • It must not have publication or pending publication elsewhere. For exceptions, sufficient reason should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief along with the material. For written scholarly material, it must be in 12-point font, Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, 6-point after spacing, and with APA or MLA formatting. Length of material ranges from 500 to 7,500 words. Material should be sent to the following:

I look forward to hearing from you. Some lenience permitted for republications from these communities depending on the material. When submitting, you will be corresponding with me, personally, so one-on-one to make your publication come out right.

P.S. Those publication were sifted through a listing of non-defunct high-I.Q. societies, 84 reduced to the active ones, from the World Intelligence Network website:

1. The Cogito Society

2. The International High IQ Society of Nathan Haselbauer

3. The Deep Brain Society of Anna Maria Santoro and Vincenzo D’Onofrio

4. Mensa Society of Lancelot Ware and Roland Berrill

5. The High Potentials Society of Max Tiefenbacher

6. Intertel of Ralph Haines

7. The Top One Percent Society (TOPS) of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

8. The Colloquy Society of Julia Cachia

9. The CIVIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

10. The Glia Society of Paul Cooijmans

11. International Society for Philosophical Enquiries/International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE) of Christopher Harding

12. The Triple Nine Society (TNS) of Richard Canty, Dr. Ronald Hoeflin, Ronald Penner, Edgar Van Vleck, and Kevin Langdon

13. The AtlantIQ Society of Beatrice Rescazzi and Moreno Casalegno

14. The EpIQ Society of Chris Chsioufis

15. The IQuadrivium Society of Karyn S. Huntting

16. The Society for Intellectually Gifted Individuals with Disabilities of Nathaniel David Durham/Nate Durham with assistant Lyla Durham

17. The Encefálica Society of Luis Enrique Pérez Ostoa

18. The Greatest Minds Society of Roberto A. Rodriguez Cruz

19. The Mysterium Society of Greg A. Grove

20. The Sigma II Society of Hindemburg MelĂŁo

21. The Mind Society of Hernan R. Chang

22. The Infinity International Society (IIS) of Jeffrey Osgood

23. The Sigma III Society of Hindemburg MelĂŁo

24. The Milenija Society of Dr. Ivan Ivec and Mislav Predavec

3.13 Sigma to 4.8 Sigma

25. ISI-Society of Dr. Jonathan Wai

26. Epida Society of Fernando Barbosa Neto

27. SPIQR Society of Marco RipĂ 

28. Vertex Society of Stevan M. Damjanovic

29. Epimetheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

30. HELLIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

31. Prometheus Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

32. Sigma IV Society of Hindemburg MelĂŁo

33. Tetra Society of Mislav Predavec

34. UltraNet Society/Ultranet of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan

35. GenerIQ Society of Mislav Predavec

36. Mega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

37. Omega Society of Dr. Ronald K. Hoeflin

38. Pi Society of Dr. Nikos Lygeros/Dr. Nik Lygeros

5. Sigma to 7. Sigma

39. Mega International Society/Mega International of Dr. Gina Langan (formerly Gina LoSasso/Gina Losasso) and Christopher Langan/Chris Langan/Christopher Michael Langan

40. OLYMPIQ Society of Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis

41. PolymathIQ Society of Ron Altmann

42. Sigma V Society of Hindemburg MelĂŁo

43. Ultima Society of Dr. Ivan Ivec

44. GIGA Society of Paul Cooijmans

45. Sigma VI Society of Hindemburg MelĂŁo

46. Grail Society of Paul Cooijmans

47. Tera Society of R. Young

(I will be updating this list with more research now, and more updates coming out of the high-I.Q. communities.)

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

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