Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan terrorists disrupt Ahmadi burial in Pakistan

TLP Terrorists Prevent Burial (Photo - News Intervention)

The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) terrorists recently blocked the burial of an Ahmadi in Kamiliya, Pakistan. This incident is yet another grim reminder of the unchecked persecution Ahmadis face, not only in life but even after death.

It hasn’t even been a week since a lawyer was threatened to renounce his Ahmadi faith or risk the end of his career, underlining the systematic oppression that reaches all corners of society. The violent assaults on Ahmadi Muslim mosques are just one aspect of this persecution. Even more chilling is the Paki establishment’s sanctioned desecration of their graves, an act that strips the dead of their dignity and delivers a brutal message to the living.

In January 2024, Punjab police desecrated 65 tombstones in Musay Wala. The Paki establishment has created an environment where every religious minorities, are denied even the basic right to rest in peace.

The Paki military establishment has reinforced the power of terrorist groups like TLP, who act with impunity. From the destruction of their mosques to the desecration of their graves, their faith, history, and existence are systematically erased.

Since the constitutional amendments of 1985, Ahmadis have been stripped of their basic democratic right to vote. This policy enforced by the Pak Army and its political apparatus, effectively renders them second-class citizens, voiceless and marginalized.

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