Balochistan’s pro-independence leader Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch came down heavily on Pakistan calling it “coward” and an arrogant nation high on power that only understands the language of force. “Our enemy only understands the language of force. We have a coward enemy that is neither aware of its own power nor ours. We fully know our capabilities as well as our enemy’s,” Dr Allah Nazar said in his statement on Wednesday.
“They (Pakistanis) are on a high with arrogance and will never realize that wars are not won with larger numbers or sophisticated weaponry but by nerves of steel, intellect and mass support. This is a nerve-shattering war for the enemy. Because the war zone is Baloch nation’s natural habitat, therefore the Baloch will not suffer as much fatigue and exhaustion as the Punjabi Army of Pakistan. Baloch nation will turn victorious with use of its intellect and wisdom,” said Dr Allah Nazar.
Dr Allah Nazar Baloch commands respect across South Asia and his words have the power of motivate millions in the Indian subcontinent. “The Punjabi state of Pakistan never ever considered the Bengalis (who played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan) as humans let alone equals. Bengalis, despite being in the majority, were declared as a minority in order to be ruled over by Punjabis. When Bengalis saw the reality of Pakistan and chose the path of freedom, they bought down the mighty and so-called pious army of Pakistan onto its knees,” he added in his statement.
Dr. Allah Nazar further added: “Today we are waging a guerrilla war. Several so-called Baloch nationalists are calling this war as counterproductive in order to dishearten the common people of Balochistan. We know that like Pakistan, they could also foresee their fate and future which is uncertain and dark.”
The revered Baloch leader explained that in comparison to Pakistan, the Baloch Sarmachaars (freedom fighters) are in a more advantageous position in several ways. “The geography of Balochistan is a heaven for guerrilla warfare. The guerrilla fighters are like fish in the ocean of masses. For the last twenty years, Baloch guerrillas have remained under the protection of the ocean of Baloch masses as well as the geography of Balochistan. Despite using all tricks of barbarity, Pakistan has failed to suppress the popularity and love for Baloch guerrillas.”

He said, only those people make comparisons on the basis of numerical strength and sophisticated weapons who are unaware of the history of guerrilla warfare. “Guerrillas use their weaknesses as their strength: they are small against the big; hidden against the visible; mobile against the slow. The guerrillas use light weapons yet they force the heavily armed enemy to take heavier casualties with their strong nerves. They use their enemy as their prime supplier of ammunitions, and provisions,” said Dr Allah Nazar.
Baloch history is full of daring fables. Even a cursory look at the last twenty years clearly prove that Pakistan has completely failed in suppressing the Baloch in rural and urban guerrilla warfare. Even today thousands of Baloch fighters are in the mountains of Balochistan and attack their enemies like cheetahs at night with sharp and vigilant eyes. Whereas there is no scarcity of trained guerrillas, sleeper cells, and reserved forces in the cities and towns.
Dr. Allah Nazar said that it is the need of time that our neighboring countries and international powers support both the political and armed wings of Baloch national freedom struggle. “The geography of a free Balochistan and a nation with secular values and vast natural resources can play a vital role in international affairs. And Baloch have the capacity to contribute to perpetual peace, prosperity, and development not only for the region but for the entire world,” he said.
[…] Assembly president Volkan Bozkir for relying only on the Pakistani narrative on Balochistan. Dr Allah Nazar said that the president of UNGA should not fall for the Pakistani propaganda and risk being […]