Why didn’t big media report about the historic Miran Shah Rally of Pashtuns

Pashtun uprising is harbinger of major changes in South Asia.
Pashtun uprising is harbinger of major changes in South Asia.

A Massive Rally was organised by PTM (Pashtun Tahafuz Movement) at Miran Shah, the nodal centre of Waziristan on November 15. Lakhs of Pashtuns participated in the PTM’s Miran Shah Rally on Nov 15 despite severe restrictions imposed by Pakistan Army. Pashtuns braved severe cold and rains for the Miran Shah Rally in order to prove that they are not Pakistanis, rather their identity is of a “Pashtun”. Political analysts say that this is the largest Pashtun rally since the independence of Indian subcontinent in 1947.

Pashtun leaders Manzoor Pashteen, Mohsin Dawar, Ali Wazir and several others addressed this massive Pashtun rally at Miran Shah. Pashtuns show of strength at Miran Shah was to demand an independent nation for Pashtuns so that they escape the brutalities of Pakistan Army.

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Pashtuns have always been used by the Punjabi province of Pakistan, Pakistan Army and ISI in the name of Islam. Pashtuns were turned into suicide bombers. Chaos and mayhem created across Afghanistan and attacks on Kashmir were part of this strategy.

Miran Shah Rally sent a clear message that Pashtuns on both sides of the Durand Line are united and that they would not tolerate barbaric atrocities of Pakistan Army and the ISI. Thousands of children and elderly women also came with photographs of their “Missing” family members at the Miran Shan Rally.

The flame of nationalism has been lit across Pashtunistan and the Pashtuns have now understood the gambit of Punjabi Pakistan Army and the ISI.

Geopolitical analysts say that the Pashtun uprising is a harbinger of major global changes. PTM’s Miran Shah Rally is a game changer for geo-politics across South Asia.

Interestingly, this massive Miran Shah Rally got Zero Coverage in the Pakistani media, which only proves how Pakistani media carries out diktats doled out by the ISI and Pakistan Army.

Even the international media did not cover the Miran Shah Rally that shows the misplaced priorities of big media organisations. There is a massive surge of nationalism amongst Pashtuns, which could also change the boundaries in South Asia.

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