António Guterres tweet contradicts the aims & objectives of UN: Khalil Baloch

Khalil Baloch, Chairman Baloch National Movement (BNM).
Khalil Baloch, Chairman Baloch National Movement (BNM).

Chairman of Baloch National Movement (BNM), Khalil Baloch criticized one of the tweets of United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres and said that the tweet not only contradicts his position but also negates the fundamental aims and objectives of United Nations.

In fact, United Nations Secretary General in his tweet completely ignored the conflict in Balochistan and the ongoing massacres of Baloch, Pashtoons, and Sindhis at the hands of the Pakistan Army. This is negligence and tantamount to whitewashing the crimes of Pakistan as well as an act of providing impunity to Pakistani establishment. During the 1970s, Pakistan had received similar impunity in carrying out the genocide in Bangladesh. The Bengali genocide was the largest and most systematic genocide of any group of people in modern history after the Nazi genocides. As the UN and West had turned a blind eye to war crimes in Bangladesh they have now provided an impunity to the Pakistan Army to carry out war crimes in Balochistan.

“It is unfortunate that in this modern age the world allows rogue states like Pakistan to enslave and colonize other nations. The president of France, Emmanuel Macron set an example for the civilized world during his visit to African countries by helping them shun the name of their currency from the colonial Franc to their own name. Thus deleting the last symbol of French colonialism. On the other hand, the impunity to colonial states like Pakistan bestowed by the United Nations is the reason for increased genocide, a crime against humanity and war crimes against Balochs, Pushtuns, and Sindhis. We are convinced and we firmly believe that this statement by United Nations Secretary General António Guterres is a willful attempt to whitewash the war crimes of Pakistan which is contrary to the guidelines and laws of the United Nations, which was primarily formed to stop genocides,” Khalil Baloch said emphatically.

He further added: “We were not expecting such a statement from the head of the largest organization of the world and union of the nations without assessing the situation in Pakistan. All oppressed nations along with Balochistan were expecting that the UN Secretary General António Guterres would do justice with his prestigious position and alleviate their grievances by taking notice of the war crimes committed by Pakistan Army and will take initiatives which may facilitate dragging Pakistan into the International Court of Justice on the basis of cemented evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity. But his statement shows his negligence, ignorance, and animosity towards oppressed nations which only made his visit more controversial.”

“I appeal to all oppressed nations to raise voice against this behaviour of the UN Secretary General and record their protests. Though we are not de jure state but we are counted as an alive nation seeking for the national freedom,” he urged emphatically.

“If this visit of the UN Secretary General was about Afghan refugees then he should had limited there, but he issued his statement collectively and expressed his partiality towards Pakistan in general. If we talk on the issue of Afghan refugees, the reason for the killing of millions of Afghan and turning them into refugees is rooted in the terror-supporting policy of Pakistan. In fact, it is not Pakistan that supports the Afghan refugees, but it is the Baloch and Pashtoons who are hosting them in their respective lands,” explained Khalil Baloch.

The Baloch National Movement (BNM) Chairman asserted that the UN Secretary General should have gone through the history of the last two decades before issuing his statement. He questioned whether the Secretary General is ignorant of the fact where the most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden and Maulvi Mansoor Akhtar had been killed? Where the top figures of Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations had been either arrested or killed? None of these terrorists were killed or arrested by Pakistan, rather they were intercepted and killed by the third state. Whether the United Nations Secretary General is oblivious to the fact that for what reason Pakistan had failed to satisfy Financial Action Task Force (FATF)? What are those reasons that Pakistan is still kept in the ‘grey list’ and Pakistan is inching towards being black listed by the FATF. If these events and incidents have no importance then it would be considered the worst joke with the oppressed and suppressed nations in the history of mankind.

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