Baloch Human Rights advocates discuss Baloch genocide with UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders

Baloch human rights advocate virtually met with Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders
Mary Lawlor and Baloch human rights advocates (source: X)

Recently, human rights activists from Pak-occupied Balochistan met virtually with Mary Lawlor, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders. Participants in an open discussion discussed the various challenges, threats, and attacks they faced from the Pak establishment as a result of their advocacy work.

The Special Rapporteur, Mary Lawlor, emphasized how urgent it is for the human rights situation in Pak-occupied Balochistan to receive more international attention. She underscored the importance of acknowledging and resolving the difficulties the advocates of human rights face in the region. She also acknowledged the leadership of Baloch women in resistance efforts, noting that it has garnered global attention.

The participants in the virtual session stressed how important it was for the United Nations to help the Baloch people from the genocide act committed by the Pak establishment and called for continued support to ensure accountability and justice.

This meeting served as a platform to raise awareness of the issues faced in Pak-occupied Balochistan and share their experiences fighting for justice and human rights in the region. It is hoped that the conversation will help raise international awareness of the pressing humanitarian issues in the area and encourage more action on that front.

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