Food price much higher in POK than in Indian Kashmir

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British created Pakistan after India’s independence as a proxy state for themselves in the subcontinent. Through the creation Islamic Pakistan the British intended to show the world that this Islamic extremist state has brought peace and tranquillity to the entire subcontinent and thus to the world. Alas, all this has proved to be a blatant lie.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir was invaded by the Pakistan Army and Kashmiris were mercilessly butchered. The Pakistan Army-backed tribal invaders slaughtered Muslim Kashmiris and turned Jammu & Kashmir into a graveyard forcing the then Maharaja Hari Singh to seek help from India to protect his subjects. India did come to protect Kashmir and the Kashmiris yet international powers stopped Indian forces to completely drive away Pakistan Army from Jammu & Kashmir. As a result Pakistan continues to illegally occupy vast tracts of the erstwhile princely state. Even as the development activities have been happening at a steady pace in Indian Kashmir the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) and Gilgit-Baltistan have continued to be exploited by the Pakistani regime.

Kashmiris in POK are still deprived of the basic necessities of life. Even though hydroelectricity is generated in POK yet the POK Kashmiris are deprived from electricity produced on their soil as the electricity is transmitted to Pakistani Panjab.

The price difference of essential food items in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) and Indian Kashmir is jaw dropping. For example, potatoes in POK is around Rs. 60 per kg whereas in the Indian Kashmir it is available at around Rs. 16. Even if the exchange rate is taken into account yet the price of all goods (on purchasing power parity basis) in this so-called “Azad Kashmir” (POK) is 200% higher than those available on the Indian side of Kashmir (see chart below).

Pakistan’s Islamic fanaticism has forced people to starve and commit suicide, while Pakistani politicians and military officers are getting richer and richer.

POK food prices

Today, the people of Jammu and Kashmir are unable to eat two square meals a day due to extremely high price of flour, sugar, electricity and other essential goods. Kashmiris are protesting across Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and in each demonstration they are asking that they be given the right to live.

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