Hindu man targeted in Sindh for marrying a muslim girl

hindu man targeted for marrying a muslim girl
Raja Bheel and Shanila (Photo: News Intervention)

A locked house of a Hindu has been vandalised after being infiltrated in Sindh. The cattle and other belongings have been plundered while the temple was vandalised by a group of Muslims.

Recently, a Hindu boy named Raja Bheel eloped with a Muslim girl Shanila Laghari, which caused resentment in the Muslim community. The incident took place at Rasool Baksh Dal village in Digri Mirpurkhas, Sindh. Later, it was found out that both wanted to marry each other and, as a result, the boy converted to Islam. Both of them exercised their free will and got married. As it is well known that Pakistan’s governance and every administrative structure has always been oppressive towards Hindus and has always extended protection to oppressors. Inspired by this, the family of the girl along with the whole community broke into boy’s locked house. They vandalized the house, temple and took away all the belongings including cattle.

Affidavit of Free Will by girl for marriage, Broken temple at Raja Bheel’s home

Apparently, the incident highlights the double standards of Pakistan which resorts to Islamic fundamentalism. While the enforced abduction and marriage of Hindu girls by Muslims is tacitly consented to, the interfaith marriage between a Muslim girl and a Hindu boy remains unaccepted, despite being legal. In this particular case, the boy’s family has been victimized, and they still have not received any legal protection.

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