BLF leader Dr Allah Nazar urges international support for Baloch freedom from Pakistan

Dr. Allah Nazar calls for International support in Baloch Freedom Movement
Dr Allah Nazar (Photo: Web)

In a recent statement released by Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch, a prominent leader of the Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), reiterated the urgent call of the Baloch nation for support in their decades-long struggle for self-determination against the forcible and oppressive Pakistan occupation.

He emphasized the grave human rights abuses and systematic oppression suffered by the Baloch people at the hands of the Pak establishment. He urged nations and organizations worldwide, including neighbouring countries like Afghanistan, India, Iran, and the wider Middle East, as well as the European Union, United States, United Nations, and international human rights groups, to acknowledge the ongoing atrocities against the Baloch community committed by the Pak Army and aid the Baloch cause.

He further underscores the Baloch people’s rich cultural and historical heritage and their longstanding ties with the Arab world. He points out that although the Baloch have preserved their unique culture for millennia, they have been the victims of systematic violence and oppression due to Pakistan’s over 76-year occupation of Balochistan.

He highlighted the historical links between the Baloch and Arab countries in his significant speech to UAE President Mohammed Bin Zayed al Nahyan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, urging recognition of the Baloch struggle against Pakistan.

“We condemn the recent killings of innocent Baloch civilians in Mashkay, Awaran and Gwadar by Pak Army-sponsored death squads. These atrocities are a continuation of the Pak Army’s brutal campaign to suppress the Baloch freedom movement, which is increasingly gaining popular support.” He stated in his statement.

He said that the Baloch struggle is secular, and they are fighting for liberation from an occupying power rather than against any specific ethnicity or religion.

Drawing parallel to China’s struggle for independence, Dr Baloch called on China to reconsider its economic and military support for Pakistan, arguing that such support comes at the expense of the lives of Balochs.

Following that, Dr. Baloch called on the international community to support the Baloch nation’s cause by highlighting their desire for justice, peace, and the basic right to self-determination.

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