JSFM holds National Rally against enforced disappearances of Sindhis, Baloch and Pashtuns

JSFM rally
JSFM National rally at Sann City, Sindh (Photo: Social Media)

In a powerful display of solidarity, the Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) organized a National Rally in Sann City, Sindh, to vehemently condemn the alarming rise in enforced disappearances of Sindhi, Baloch, and Pashtun political workers. The rally brought together a multitude of activists, supporters, and community members from across Sindhudesh.

The participants, carrying banners and placards, marched through the streets of Sann City, chanting slogans demanding an end to the enforced disappearances and justice for the missing political workers. The atmosphere was charged with a collective determination to address the ongoing human rights violations in the region.

Baloch, Sindhis and Pashtuns fighting oppression

Interestingly, JSFM’s national rally comes at a time when the crimes against Sindhis and minority Hindus is on the rise in Sindh. Additionally, Baloch have also been protesting, holding long march and sit-in movement to fight the Pakistani oppression and the Baloch genocide. Similar is the case with Pashtuns, who are sitting at the Chaman border for more than 3 months demanding their rights while one of the most influential voice of Pashtuns named, Manzoor Pashteen has been abducted by the Pakistani establishment.

These horrendous violation of law and order in a coercively amalgamated geographical entity that calls itself Pakistan, call for a more unified community response based on national solidarity.

Earlier, the Pashtun Rights activists have also called for a unified approach of Baloch, Sindhis and Pashtuns against the oppression of the Pakistan Army led establishment. While joining the Baloch genocide long march in Quetta, Provincial President of PTM (Balochistan) Noor Bacha asked all the communities be it Sindhis, Baloch or Pashtun, to unite and give a tough fight for the rights of people. So, JSFM’s national rally commends the efforts of all the communities in unifying their struggle.

So, JSFM’s rally holds immense significance when it comes to the fight against persecution of these communities by Pakistan.

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