Free Balochistan is the ultimate aim of all Baloch martyrs

Majeed Brigade martyrs who attacked the Karachi Stock Exchange on June 29, 2020.
Majeed Brigade martyrs who attacked the Karachi Stock Exchange on June 29, 2020.

In general, on the issue of respect for human rights, governments across the world seem to claim that their constitutions and laws protect full fundamental rights of the people or its citizens, but on the other hand, they also formulate legal regulations that do not guarantee the most important and basic democratic, political and economic rights of the people, and also establish an iron fence around human rights through laws that duplicate government claims.

According to some experts and educators, in all societies where political and economic systems and state structures have been established on the basis of national and class oppression and the exploitation of human beings by human beings, despite all government claims, the question of human rights in such societies has turned into a question of the fundamental rights of human groups. And nations and classes that have been victimised or forced into exploitation on national, ethnic, class and other grounds under a particular system and law becomes a cause of concern.

This exploitative practice made it clear that the issue of the restoration of rights in the colonial and capitalist system is not a matter of all human beings but about the dignified existence of the subjugated nations and the oppressed class and the working people, because the supreme forces are also a minority of human beings.

In this regard the promotion of human rights without identifying the disenfranchised forces sometimes obscures the real issues and the question of the rights of the oppressed and downtrodden people on which the ruling forces are also increasingly propagating human rights.

But when the question of fundamental economic and political rights of subjugated nations and peoples’ arise, the laws that the ruling powers call the protectors of human rights that are used to suppress the national and class question, and then this ruling ideology of violating fundamental rights is called national interest, and those who do not accept it are considered traitors and beheaded.

The current crisis situation in Balochistan is also demanding an accurate identification of the basic political and economic rights of the people here. And the real problem is that the Baloch national question does not emerge accurately.

Although the manifestation of ‘missing persons’, ‘enforced disappearances’, retrieval of mutilated bodies and irreparable loss of life and property to civilians in the operations of the forces are considered as human rights violations, they are in fact violations of basic Baloch national political and democratic rights but also the superficial expression of which only bringing it to the fore in its original form can accurately identify the basic problem.

In this regard, Baloch political circles have repeatedly stated that the real problem of Balochistan is not just the ongoing security operations here and the human tragedy that has arisen from it, but the fundamental question is the Baloch national right to sovereignty. Which has been trampled on since day one.

And with the passage of time, instead of shrinking and shrinking, this chain seems to be so widespread today that the whole of Balochistan has now taken the form of resistance, a glimpse of this is the conscious struggle of the Baloch nation that has come to the fore in shape of Baloch sacrificial attacks .

The Baloch have an enemy that lacks positive human values ​​and traditions. It would be unrealistic to expect them to abide by the laws of war, like living nations in war situations. A beast cannot be expected to abide by human and moral values ​​and international law.

In the struggle for independence, the Baloch nation has presented the testimonies of such gigantic personalities that language and pen seem incapable of speaking or writing on them. It is not possible to cover their character, their greatness with words and in this the Baloch sacrificial martyrs are also included.

Many nations in the world have succeeded in achieving their national independence through such bloody series and today this stage is also being faced by the Baloch nation.

The Baloch nation is second to none in the known history of the world for fulfilling its duty before history. Today, the Baloch nation is creating history through sacrifices without any hesitation, which is the hallmark of living nations. In front of the international community, Baloch has to some extent proved to the world that Balochistan is a disputed region and it is one of the biggest and most important issues in the world which cannot be ignored for long.

Today we have the Baloch national voice in every corner of the world. In every country of the world there are names of Baloch nation. The issue of Baloch is being discussed several corners of the world. This is a great achievement and credit for this success goes to the great personalities who have sacrificed their lives for Baloch national liberation.

There is no dearth of such leaders, teachers, comrades in the history of the world who have made their dead proud and gave new life to the young generation and comrades with their ideas and teachings. There is no shortage of the Baloch martyrs who have proved through their sacrifices that the only destination of their conscious struggle is an independent Balochistan.

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